Will I submit a crossword to the New York Times by end of summer?
resolved Aug 23

I've posted over 300 puzzles on my website, and recently had logic puzzles published in the New York Times! I've made many smaller and variant crosswords, but only two standard-size (15x15) crosswords in my life. I want to make one to submit places, and know how to do so, but my bottleneck is good ideas. I wanna make something clever and interesting.

Summer ends on August 22.

I will not bet NO, and will try to give updates.

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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predicted NO

The summer doesn't end for another month.

predicted NO

@AndrewHebb Market has stated the date summer ends for quite a while (end of summer break).

predicted NO

@JoshuaB Is that not in two weeks?

@AndrewHebb yeah this market defines summer as summer break

fyi this is still overpriced - when I said it’s possible, I meant more like theoretically. I’m not planning to attempt this

predicted YES

Now all you have to do over the weekend is make one 15x15 and email it in.

@Coach_Exec haha I’m too much of a perfectionist for that

predicted YES

@Conflux perfection (in this case) the the enemy of starting. Spend one 8 hour Saturday on it whatever, and then your perfectionist will do the rest. Chose topics from manifold for your ideas.

predicted YES

@Coach_Exec *Choose

@Coach_Exec it’s possible! I’m pretty busy this week and next though - with the podcast, nice numbers video, puzzles, college apps, a few events this weekend

predicted YES

@Conflux when we look back on our lives (I'm 55 and I've done loads of fun and lucrative things) one notices that all the biggest and biggest elements were to do with the decision you made in just five hours or so. That's not to say be impetuous, but give the moment a chance!

@Coach_Exec Loving the idea of a dedicated Manifold coach who comes in to buy low YES shares and then coach you to a profitable YES resolution.

No longer trusting any coach who can't do this.

@Coach_Exec thanks for the reassurance! But in this case it’s more about project prioritization for me than motivation (although you could argue it’s all about motivation)

predicted YES

@Conflux I'm cool with losing Ṁ100. You can't do two hours work in one hour...

But... We would like to see a start. Can you commit to a start this weekend, with a submission date of 15 September?

@Coach_Exec I will make no such commitment

predicted YES

@Charlie yeah it does seem like this is the purpose of the "Personal Goals" category on manifold.

bought Ṁ90 of YES

90 more

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I'm in for 100 for yes. "You caaaan dooo eeeet!"

this is not gonna happen :/

bought Ṁ300 of NO

@Conflux Rip. Any bold predictions on during the school year (or perhaps breaks?)?

@JoshuaB I would still love to do it! I just had too many things I was trying to do this summer / not enough productivity. Maybe I should make another market.

Planning to put in some time brainstorming crossword ideas sometime next week.

bought Ṁ80 of YES

Would love to see it!!