Will at least 19.3 people (10% of my follower count) bet on any new personal market that I make in June?
resolved Jul 1

With The Pivot and all, my Manifold market activity has been feeling a bit more anemic lately. And this is for me, someone who is lucky enough to be an enfranchised user with many more followers than the average Manifolder, but idk.

In particular, I used to enjoy and appreciate making markets about aspects of my personal life for entertainment / motivation / forecasting, but they don't get as much participation as they used to. For example, the market I made about my cold has had a lot of free mana and wasn't very useful or entertaining (though it was partially a liquidity issue). They cost 10x more mana, too, so I feel more like I should be weighing costs and benefits instead of just spewing forth every market idea that enters my mind (as I used to).

It is true that I haven't made as many non-personal markets recently, so maybe that's what I should do. If I have some ideas...

I get this - amid the Pivot, Manifold is disfavoring personal markets - but anyway, I wanted to make a market measuring this a bit. Both the Manifold environment and my inclination to make markets.

The last time a personal market of mine had at least 19.3 bettors was in March.

"Personal" refers to the topic of the market. It should be about me.

If my follower count changes, this market will be about 10% of the new value.

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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@Conflux AFAIK, this resolves NO? (some bigger markets since then, but looks like none were personal, except a few small ones without many traders)

yep, swallowing my sorrows and making politics markets


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