EDIT: Resolves to poll that I will post June 15th. Top 5 in poll resolve to 100%.
I reserve the right to leave answers out of the poll that are matters of fact, not open to debate, low quality etc. If I can’t N/A them I’ll bet them down and resolve them in my own favor.
ETA2: Options not Top 5 in poll resolve to NO.
🏅 Top traders
# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ7,471 | |
2 | Ṁ2,011 | |
3 | Ṁ904 | |
4 | Ṁ899 | |
5 | Ṁ575 |
@ClubmasterTransparent Ugh, I really should have considered that this had a resolution time that's not when these kids are in their fifties
Oh, right, my interpretation of the description was those resolve n/a but he clarified options not in the poll resolve no. That was a poor market design but i'll follow it
Poll closed 6 days ago now.
5 options tied for 5th place.
I think either we resolve those to 20% each or do another poll between those 5.
@mods lot of volume in this market
edit: yeah I think resolving them all to 20% is fine, anyone disagree?
Will the poll be an approval poll or first past the post? Approval would work better given that five options are being chosen (and is just better in general), but Manifold polls only do FPtP. If you want to do an approval poll, you can do it with Google forms (make the question with checkboxes), or do a poll in the comments where people vote by liking comments corresponding to each option.
@PlasmaBallin Thanks, I thought this over and FPTP isn’t really right. The comments of this though are already a rabbit warren. And Google Forms is non starter for me. I was born on the pro-Excel side of the great divide People Who Refuse To Learn Excel and People Who Think Google Sheets Is A Toy — I’m going to my grave without getting proficient in this Google Forms but thanks for making me aware of it. It could come up!
Some people have tried polls where one trader = one vote. That seems like decent option. It’s not super intuitive but it’s not too cumbersome to work. Or I could put a new poll and as you suggest ask for approval in the comments there. Downside of that is, if other discussions break out, the comments people are supposed to vote on would get swamped.
Still mulling this over but clearly it needs decision soon.
@ClubmasterTransparent one idea:
Pin a comment saying "poll - like if you think something is true"
Reply to it with each of the options in the market.
Resolve the 5 with the most likes to "yes" and the rest to no.
@ClubmasterTransparent I think you should use Daniel's method if you want approval voting. Translating positions to votes only works if it was specified that it would work that way from the beginning. Some people have bet on options not because they agree with them, but because they think other people will.
@ClubmasterTransparent Umm, you can't just censor questions you don't like. I created it because I thought it was likely to resolve YES with 2 other questions. In what way does "Cybertruck is ugly on purpose" shed light on anything?
@patrik If it’s still in top 10 I’ll carry it to the poll. There’s a discussion downthread where I elaborate on my inability to understand it.
Also downthread I asked EY how he feels about that question, expecting either no response or something ironic. Instead he acted pretty thin-skinned! Must have caught him at a bad time.
As for Cybertruck, design is a big aspect of all Tesla vehicles, and for a lot of people, your vehicle says a lot about you. It’s part of your self-presentation.
I will add an option that is positive about Tesla design to balance it out.