Global Average Temperature September 2024 per gistemp LOTI v4 vs 1951-1980 base period (NASA Gistemp)
Oct 14
September 2024 greater than 1.195 C
September 2024 greater than 1.245 C
September 2024 greater than 1.295 C
September 2024 greater than 1.345 C
September 2024 greater than 1.395 C
September 2024 greater than 1.485 C

Data is currently at


(or such updated location for this Gistemp v4 LOTI data)

January 2024 might show as 122 in hundredths of a degree C, this is +1.22C above the 1951-1980 base period. If it shows as 1.22 then it is in degrees i.e. 1.22C. Same logic/interpretation as this will be applied.

If the version or base period changes then I will consult with traders over what is best way for any such change to have least effect on betting positions or consider N/A if it is unclear what the sensible least effect resolution should be.

Numbers expected to be displayed to hundredth of a degree. The extra digit used here is to ensure understanding that +1.20C does not resolve an exceed 1.205C option as yes.

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bought Ṁ13 September 2024 great... NO

Trying to use default bets on whether its higher or lower each day than my point estimate (as long as it doesn't move it past it) and limit orders on my Z=2 CI's for this month; will see how it works out...