The question will resolve as yes if reach 99% and no when reach 1%
resolved Aug 23

As the question said, more money you put in then more likely you would profit.

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bought Ṁ600 of YES

resolves YES

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@Lavander i said no

predicted YES

@Chllucas i think you are abusing your role. Please resolve it YES, otherwise moderators will resolve it for you, and maybe ban you, idk

bought Ṁ230 of NO

@Lavander i bought no

predicted YES
predicted NO

@Lavander my fault, i think if we have a agreement of keeping the 99% or 1% for over 5 minute's then i will resolve it

predicted NO

@Chllucas or do you want me to resolve it as na

predicted YES

@Chllucas you are changing the rules of the resolution significantly in that case. Please resolve it YES or N/A if you think it was a bad idea to create this question in the first place

predicted NO

@Lavander sorry, i have resolved it as yes and i will think better next time, thanks for participating