Does the Republican candidate for president in 2024 need Trump's endorsement to win?
Nov 5

Resolves yes if the Republican candidate wins the election with Trump's endorsement. Resolves no otherwise. Of course, we assume Trump endorses himself if he is the candidate.

Feb 2, 12:54pm: Can the Republican candidate for president in 2024 win without Trump's endorsement? → Does the Republican candidate for president in 2024 need Trump's endorsement to win?

Close date updated to 2024-11-05 7:00 am

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This market's resolution criteria doesn't test for need, only coincidence. What if the canidate would have won with out the endorsement? If the canidate is doing very poorly and does not improve until they recive the endorsement and then they go on to win then we might say they needed the endorsement to win, but if they were already doing great before the endorsement it is less clear.

@ShitakiIntaki This! Real question is whether Trump gets an endorsement and wins the election.

I think the title is confusing, for the reason Yoav has pointed out. Currently, this market is really "Will the republican candidate be endorsed by Trump and win." I propose a new criterion to distinguish it:

If the republican nominee loses without Trump's endorsement, resolves N/A. (We can't know if they needed Trump's endorsement to win in that case)

If the candidate lost without trumps endorsement, isn’t that a sign they needed it to win?

predicts YES

@Yoav Yes, but it doesn't mean they would have won with Trump's endorsement either.

@BruceGrugett But them winning with Trump’s endorsement doesn’t mean they would have lost without it either.

If Trump is the Republican candidate, will this resolve N/A? (I think that would make this market more interesting.)

Resolves yes if the Republican candidate wins the election with Trump's endorsement. Resolves no otherwise.