Will Kizaru betray/defect the Marines?
Oct 31

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Just curious, when will the market eventually resolve? Or is it undisclosed until the creator feels satisfied?

The creator could've also completely forgot about it, as is typical of this app 🤷

I asked this question already this market seems it will go on until one piece ends or kizaru us relevant. It is not going to end in egg head.

I'm expecting a massive crash if egg head ends and kizaru is still a marine though.

This market should be around 15-25% ideally but let's see what happens the kizaru hype slowly dies off

I will never understand how the odds are this high with zero hints in the manga for like 20 chapters. . With all this chaos to focus on, Kizaru is not coming back into this arc in any meaningful way

My thoughts exactly. But if u think the odds are too high u can bet it down.

I'm predicting this market to be around 40% by the next chapter if kizaru is not mentioned

as much as i like kizaru they probably gonna be sitting out the rest of egghead til its over sadly

bought Ṁ25 NO

Does this market end when egg head ends

bought Ṁ2 YES


So does this market go on until the end of one piece

sold Ṁ337 NO

Creator bought massive Yes while being incommunicado for months. It's a very subjective market for this to happen in. I'm exiting.

@Panfilo I thought they banned insider trading

bought Ṁ50 NO

@Panfilo this market is pretty big I feel if they were to be dishonest there are enough ppl in the market to get them banned off the app. So I think the market should be fine

@AndrewCrosse They did not ban insider trading! This wouldn't be insider trading though, just suspicious subjective resolution. I'm not saying that's what he'll do, but it's hard to prove anything either way.

@Panfilo I feel like they should stop creators from betting on their own markets. I understand why you would leave this one. The reason my account is red right now is because of dishonest one piece markets. And your right this market has a couple of red flags for one the market owner is not responding to any questions and is betting on his own market.

@AndrewCrosse i just forgot about the website lmao, i often come and see what is going on, i just bet all i have on Kizaru because i love the character and want him to be the GOAT marine, i just came from the powerscaling subreddit and created a couple of these and this one kinda got attention lol.

@BoxFangWP understandable well thanks for clearing that up

@BoxFangWP I think they need to make it profitable to just have a market like you should get decent returns if you market goes viral or something.

the man had to lay down because of how mentally unstable he was... plus idk how much Vegapunk will reveal but I wouldn't be surprised if at least 50% of the marines defect including vice admirals once they learn about the WG's true history

@BoxFangWP If this is a “until the end of the show” market then I would change the close date to 2030 so folks don’t periodically think it’s resolving soon.

bought Ṁ250 NO

My friend who follows OP told me that since one Admiral already had a plot beat very similar to this, Kizaru was more likely to desert (not the same as betray/defect to another side) or die tragically doing his job.