Will I resolve a market controversially this year?
resolved Jan 4

This resolves YES if other users disagree with how I resolve another market this year.

(The disagreement has to appear to be in good faith: if I suspect they are just disagreeing in order to game this market I will not count it.)

I generally try to avoid Manifold drama, so if there's any doubt, I like to seek consensus on my markets before I resolve. On the other hand, some of the Manifolders I admire most have made some enemies by insisting on controversial resolutions, and in these cases I often sympathize more with the market creator...

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Lol I just noticed now...whys everyone on the yes.. Wha happened?

just resolve this market YES 5head

sold Ṁ59 of YES

@n1psey if you're referring to the billionaire market I don't think resolving N/A should count as controversial given the admin ruling.

@SebastianWorms No, I mean that if he resolved this market YES, it would be controversial, you see

Aw, I was hoping you hadn't included that "other" disclaimer. I would have argued this market should resolve YES. ;)