Will high-school or college students in 2040 be able to tell time on an analog clock?

You know the clocks I mean. They are circular, with numbers 1 to 12 evenly spaced around the edge. They have two "hands", one long and one short, that rotate at different speeds (the long one goes around once every hour, the short one twice every day). By looking at which numbers they point to you can figure out what time it is. The procedure is not that complicated. You probably learned it in elementary school.

These clocks seem to be going out of fashion.

In 2040, I (or whoever else resolves this market) will "randomly" (i.e. haphazardly) interview a few people in about the 15-22 age range and see if they know how to tell time. (Ideally we'd actually test them, because people sometimes overestimate their own abilities.)

Resolves to YES if a majority of people interviewed can do it, and NO if not.

Close date updated to 2040-05-13 5:59 pm

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Will high-school or college students in 2040 be able to tell time on an analog clock?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

@ManifoldDream Not bad! You could work on those Roman numerals though...