What is the funniest Joke?
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1 joke per person. If your latest joke gets 10+ likes, you can add an additional one.

No schemes ("like for mana", "like for bets on your markets", etc.), just funny.

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Eternal shame to those who break the restrictions that maximize funny.


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Why do French tanks have rear-view mirrors?


It’s tragic that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have been fighting each other for centuries.


You know what the toughest part about being a gay black policeman is?


This is a nation of immigrants, so if you aren't an immigrant, you should go the hell back to wherever you came from!

My ancestors were part of the Fugawi people. They were nomadic, and when they found themselves lost, they would often say "where the fugawi?"





What is grey and can fly?


how long is a chinese man's name


I wanted to be a prompt engineer, but I was too late


A Stork Brings Good Babies
A Raven Brings Bad Babies

A Swallow Bring Nooooo Babies.



What is grey and cannot fly?

Manifold itself.


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