Will we be able to teach any of our five pets (3 cats & 2 dogs) to "talk" to us using programmed buttons by the end of 2022?
resolved Dec 30

We have three cats and two dogs. We have been thinking about better ways to communicate with them and came across these videos of what others have accomplished with their cats and dogs using programmed buttons. We have decided to try to replicate these experiments and teach our pets to speak to us basic needs/wants using buttons we program and train them to use. The first two buttons will be for the dogs to alert us that they need to go out, and for the cats to alert us that they are hungry and need food.

Resolves YES if we capture consistent video evidence of either the cats or the dogs using the buttons for the intended purpose by the end of 2022. Resolves NO if the animals fail to catch on to the buttons and their purpose by the end of 2022. Will post regular updates here.

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These are assorted images of the subjects enrolled in this experiment.


- Myles is a 7 year old brown/black beagle mix.

- Iva Belle is a 3 year old pit bull mix.


- Peanut is a 3 year old Bombay.

- Fermi is 2 year old grey shorthair mix.

- Rod Carew (โ€œrewโ€) is a 3 year old tuxedo Manx.

@BTE Are you pressing the buttons yourself every time you feed them / take them outside?

predicted YES

@IdaMayer Buttons are being delivered by Amazon tomorrow. I will post regular updates on the strategy we use and the results. Stay tuned!!

bought แน€5 of YES

@BTE Good luck! My personal opinion is if you are extremely consistent yourself (play with them getting them to press them and then doing the action, plus pressing the button every time you do the action without their signal) you will see results very fast, but if you are inconsistent it probably won't stick. Good luck I believe in you/your pets!

predicted YES

@BTE can we get an update?