resolved Jul 1

Get Ṁ600 play money

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bought Ṁ40 of YES
sold Ṁ15 of YES

Oops, I assumed you'd get a bigger bump from the Trump indictment and I was on my phone so it was too much trouble to check.

predicted YES

@MichaelWheatley LOL! I was definitely wondering where your sudden confidence in my trading skills came from!! I honestly can’t figure out why the leagues are based on time of the trade rather than time of the resolution. Seriously disincentives buying and holding, incentivizes trading constantly. I also think @ManifoldMarkets should bring back the direct bet feature so it would be possible to catch up without having to worry about @Catnee and crew eating your lunch on the limit orders. They can impressively calculate on the fly exactly how much to place and where to make me feel urge to keep pushing against their mana wealth. I should be able to make side wagers with the whales at better terms if only my bets made during the month count. Hot take for @DavidChee and crew.

predicted YES

@MichaelWheatley I am still gonna finish first in this group btw. Got M$25k left to reap as /agentydragon/will-google-search-include-a-chatbo grinds to zero over the next 2-3 weeks. It’s how I am doubling down my Trump windfall, don’t miss out on those derivative profits!!

@BTE Kinda tempted to take that as a challenge :D

predicted YES

@NamesAreHard Yes!! Let’s duel!!!

@BTE That would be fun but even though I have the free time to do full-time Manifold this month, I'd rather spend most of it elsewhere. I also like my pretty profit graph too much to be willing to go for higher variance strategies :) We'll see how it goes, though, maybe people will be unusually generous on the sports markets and that 25k$ doesn't seem fully certain as well.

predicted YES

@NamesAreHard I like my profits with a large side of volatility!! And your right, Google will probably put the link back on the homepage, you should go big on yes!

@BTE I'm not touching that clusterfuck of a market with a ten-foot pole :D

predicted YES

@PseudonymousAlt We’ll see…

predicted YES

@NamesAreHard See now I see you say that and I look around and don’t see @jack or @firstuserhere Or @Conflux and I am like

@BTE You're still losing pretty hard rn. NamesAreHard has one of the healthiest profit curves I've ever seen lol

predicted YES

It’s gonna be extra fun this month since I spotted the group M$8k straight off the bat.

predicted NO

@BTE I have no idea what you’re talking about.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon I had two markets put me 8k in the negative in the first hour of the new season. Been crawling my way out of that hole for a few days. Levi is a tricky trickster.

predicted NO

@BTE Oh I see. Bummer!

bought Ṁ20 of NO

Sorry bud! Not against you. I just don’t see how that happens.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon All good!! I love this new league format!! Very fun to have a little competition inside a competition against the people you already find to be excellent competitors. Game on!!


@NicoDelon Thank you!