Will I have 40,000 unique traders on my markets by the end of September?
resolved Oct 1

It's a stretch but certainly possible.

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bought Ṁ90 of YES

Wow good job @BTE!

predicted NO
bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@CourierSix You spelt "yeah" wrong

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington LMFAO 🤣

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington @BTE I'm sorry, I love you

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington @BTE can I borrow 10k? I'm down bad

predicted NO

It's joever

bought Ṁ100 of YES

are you sure you're pressing the right button lol

bought Ṁ7 of NO

@Joshua a captain goes down with the ship

bought Ṁ10 of NO

I'm doubling down copium

sold Ṁ71 of YES

5 hours, still >200 away. I’m selling my YES at 1,116% profit.

predicted YES

@MatthiasPortzel I was 1,000 away yesterday

bought Ṁ5 of NO
predicted NO
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bought Ṁ10 of NO

@CourierSix Usually people resolve based on the closing date, which depends on timezone

predicted NO
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predicted NO
predicted NO

It's the 1st of October somewhere so I personally think this should just resolve now tbh

predicted NO

Well there we go, the spamming of 1% limit orders on all of BTE's markets has started.

predicted NO

@RemiRampin so am I fucked then?

predicted NO

@CourierSix I had bet on the fact that people wouldn't spam the platform that hard for this but some people like @chrisjbillington and @Joshua don't mind placing 500 bogus orders. This will go yes.

bought Ṁ5 of NO

@RemiRampin well shit

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I mean they're not bogus, I put down notification limit orders a lot lol. BTE makes a lot of really useful markets that I like knowing about movements in!

Also i did this exact same thing last month so it should not be that unexpected XD

predicted NO

@RemiRampin The entire Manifold live feed is taken over by spam on @BTE's markets and unusable. This is ridiculous.

predicted NO
predicted NO

Pushing the markets up is fine, this is "Non-predictive", but spamming limit orders at 1% indiscriminately, above the recommended API rate event, is really not cool.

Hopefully the entire Manifold platform becomes usable again once @chrisjbillington reached his goal and stops sending 20 bets per minute.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@RemiRampin We're not using the API (API trades don't count as unique traders in any case), and transient spikes of more than 10 per minute are allowed even if we were.