Will Google Search include a Gemini powered chatbot by the end of June 2024
resolved May 23
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Okay since he was banned, we're going to be transferring all BTE's markets to a yet-to-be-determined mod, and in preparation for that I am N/Aing all of his personal or potentially subjective markets including this one.

@ManifoldPolitics how big nöticable users get themselves banned?

All these markets could have been just one.

Brian T. EdwardsboughtṀ10YES

@BTE whoa whoa whoa, you can’t change the title then bet

predicted YES

@mattyb The mistake was obvious. You can’t bet on the past. Also obvious.

predicted YES

@mattyb You knew it wasn’t a question about 2023

predicted NO

@BTE i make a lot of markets and any that i make a mistake on, I resolve as N/A as that’s only fair. That’s what N/A is there for.

predicted NO

@BTE you can look in my question history. the reason i didn’t sell is that i assumed you were gonna do the right thing and resolve it and make the question again.

predicted YES

@mattyb The close date of the question was always in 2024.

predicted YES

@mattyb The "right thing" to do is to comment about the obviously wrong title. Not bet to force me to do additional things to cancel and recreate it. Manifold wouldn't have let me create the market if the dates were truly wrong.

june 2023 was months ago

predicted NO

@mattyb @BTE probably resolves N/A

@mattyb My bad.

predicted YES

@mattyb why is that?