Will Elon Musk sell more than $1Bln of Tesla stock during Q1 2023?
resolved Apr 17

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I am using my moderation permissions to resolve this market on behalf of the creator. This is according to the Manifold Markets unresolved markets policy found here: https://help.manifold.markets/unresolved-markets

If the creator returns and wishes to change the resolution, please reply to this comment and tag DavidChee. The admins will then undo the resolution I chose and you may pick your desired resolution.

@BTE I totally messed this up, sorry, you're active, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Hopefully you agree this is okay,

@MartinRandall @BTE I've unresolved this market.

predicted NO

@SG @MartinRandall FYI it is showing me an option to resolve this market on mobile, which is presumably an error?

predicted NO

Oh, I didn't realize all users with the badge can resolve closed markets. That makes sense now.

predicted YES

@MartinRandall No worries! I have so many markets and it's so hard to follow messages that sometimes I forget to resolve. Thank you! Good to know I can resolves closed markets, I didn't realize. Thanks!

predicted NO

Seems like this resolves NO, based on a quick search?

bought αΉ€20 of YES

The chances are much better than when I wrote this question and get better with each tick upward of TSLA.