Will I manage group for improvement of Wikipedia rationality-related articles?
Dec 31

Increasing average rationality might go as a side-effect of writing good Wikipedia articles.

The Wikipedia articles on the VNM theorem, Dutch Book arguments, money pump, Decision Theory, Rational Choice Theory, etc. are all a horrific mess. They're also completely disjoint, without any kind of Wikiproject or wikiboxes for tying together all the articles on rational choice.

It's worth noting that Wikipedia is the place where you—yes, you!—can actually have some kind of impact on public discourse, education, or policy. ...

(LessWrong shortform by Closed Limelike Curves)

I can start the Telegram group/Discord server and do moderation (though not 24/7, of course).

Moderation style I currently use is "reign of terror": delete offtopic messages immediately, after large discussions delete the messages which do not carry much information (even if someone replies to them).

Will there actually be said group with at least 4 people by EOY?

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I have created Discord server: https://discord.gg/gtJDvvT.

Do the members have to be active? If so, how would that be measured?

Yes, active members. For instance, have made a contribution (suggestion on a source, fix to new article text, important question, etc) in last 3 days.