Israel’s endgame is to push Palestinians into Egypt – and the west is cheering it on
British Guardian newspaper article
@BP17b6 Agreed, but looking at the way Israel is completely destroying Gaza, it does seem as if Israel does not want the Palestinians coming back... so where else could they go?
@AitchKay I have a dream, since I’m hopeless Optimistic… my dream is that Israel, Palestinian and the world will build together new Gaza, in the Gaza Strip… as the original plans, as a garden city, similar to the gedes plans in Tel Aviv.
But putting my dreams a side, I believe the Palestinian in Gaza with the help of the western world will re-build. They will never leave by will, this is what this war is about… the question is if we can make it as a proper livable area, or more refugees camp for decades… :/
@AitchKay Hopefully we will change this government soon, and we might be able to have more compassion to all living creatures. It’s not a sum zero game :/
@BP17b6 It’s pretty clear that the longer term Israeli goal is ethnic cleansing, certainly in the West Bank and more recently in Gaza. Why else make North Gaza uninhabitable?
@JimAusman I don’t think it is that clear, I think of ethic cleansing would have been the goal they would have done other and more horrible things also for Palestinian in Israel, and it is not the case. It’s a not an ethnic war, it’s a war between Israel (all religions, including Israeli Palestinian) and Hamas.
@AitchKay The only reason Israel is destroying Gaza is because Hamas deeply embedded itself into Gaza
@BP17b6 What has Isreal been doing for the last 40 years in the West Bank? Northern Gaza is uninhabitable now.