resolution criteria and definitions of "mostly open", see comments on
* artificially propping up the shares won't be counted against the market being considered open
* limits on foreigners making transactions are relevant
* limits on foreigners ultimately transferring money from market sales out of RU won't be counted against
* limits on certain shares from being traded are relevant
* limits on derivatives are relevant
previous market:
Sorry, on review of what I am doing I decided to shutdown Manifold account. Resolving my markets as NA seems the fairest solution to people active on them.
- I decided to spend my time in a better way and Manifold is one of
things that I decided to eliminate in the ongoing owerview
- Daily bonus was effective, to the point of being scary, intrusive and
- Inability to block and hide unwanted markets/groups makes it
obnoxious to see some markets. Every time I read title of
I die a bit inside and question what I am doing with my life