How many days into May will Starship flight 4 will happen?
resolved Jun 10

The Market resolves the Number of Days into May when Starship launches (from 1 to 50)

May 1st resoles as 1,
May 2st resolves as 2 and so on up until June 19th.

If Starship launches before May 1st, it will resolve as 1.

If it launches after June 19th, the market will resolve as 50.

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Resolves, uhh presumably 37 I didn't calculate

@zerfaezza can you resolve this?

So easy to see myself getting a fence post error while drawing this plot...

bought Ṁ16 41-42 YES

FTS was installed today. 6 days before earliest launch.

Was installed 6 and 9 days before launch for IFT3, 2 respectively.

Added a few more days after for margin.

>"If Starship launches before April 1st, it will resolve as 1."
April ?? question says May. Also re "1" does that mean 100% or 1%?

Is this meant to be

If Starship launches before May 1st, it will resolve as 0%.
If Starship launches on May 1st, it will resolve as 1%.
If Starship launches on May 2nd, it will resolve as 2%.
and so on, up to on June 19 resolves as 50%
and on up to on Aug 8 or later resolves to 100%

@ChristopherRandles I'm still not too familiar with these new numeric markets but I assume this market has been set up such that it can only resolve as an integer from 1 to 50 (inclusive); i.e. if the launch happens on June 19th or later it resolves as '50', and if it happened on June 18th it would resolve as 49, etc

Though I think you are correct that the description should read "If Starship launches before May 1st, it will resolve as 1"

@Nat quite right scrub last line, first line and the %ages and make next to last line on or after 19 June 50

@Nat On or before May 1st resolves as 1 presumably.

@ChristopherRandles May 1st resolves as 1, not April 1st.

I also updated the description to clarify the Results.