Is Emmett Shear the interim ex-CEO of OpenAI?

As of November 24, Emmett Shear's Twitter bio read "interim ex-CEO of OpenAI", implying that he will once again be the CEO of OpenAI.

This question resolves YES if Emmett Shear becomes the CEO (interim or otherwise) of OpenAI again. It resolves NO if OpenAI ceases to exist.

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Resolution criteria is unclear. Emmett Shear is the current interim CEO.

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@topanter That doesn't seem to be the case, he's tweeted otherwise. But regardless, this will go by the resolution criteria in the description: this question resolves YES if he becomes CEO again and NO if OpenAI ceases to exist before then.

@toms Then the title is misleading. I haven’t seen a tweet by Emmett which says “I’m no longer CEO.” I’ve seen speedrun jokes, “interim ex-CEO” title, and more definite tweets by Sam and OpenAI that state Sam is not yet returned as CEO.

predicts NO

@topanter I see your point. Would changing the title to "Is Emmett Shear the interim ex-CEO of OpenAI, or will he be?" resolve your concern?

@toms I’d suggest “Will Emmett Shear be named interim CEO again by OpenAI?”