Will I be in Masters league one year after entering it?
resolved May 2

Resolves in one year, if the league changes significantly I'll NA

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NA - they changed everything again

Unless you quit Manifold entirely or they change it back to only trader bonuses from the current month counting I think this is virtually certain. Even if you quit a few months before next March I think the inertia from all of your old questions could carry you through.

@Arky good point , i really have no sense of how many im gaining anymore passively vs actively either with the notification changes, if i take a few days break ill provide an analysis

@Arky looks like they are going to be changing trader bonuses @Arky !

bought Ṁ1 NO

<Insert all the caveat questions here>

See if you can answer before there are any changes to Leagues structure that could happen within 1 year: If the thing you are categorized in looks and feels like what Masters is right now (a ranking for users, and specifically the very the highest one), is that always going to be a Yes, or is this going to be a "No unless it is obviously the exact same thing"

@Eliza ill just na if masters changes significantly

If you somehow fall out next month and earn it back in a year in time for this to resolve, is that YES?

@Stralor if i leave, then come back and i am in masters the middle of march next year (after that league update) this is YES