🌭What will happen in July 2024? [ADD RESPONSES]
Aug 1
Eliezer Yudkowsky remains unwavering that the probability of AI annihilation is greater than or equal to 95%
Eliezer Yudkowsky is alive for the entire month
noam chomsky AND jimmy carter alive at end of month
United States women's soccer team wins all three group stage matches
Attendance at Paris opening ceremony exceeds 500,000, as reported by the organizing committee (and if no report is made, falling back to a report by the city of Paris)
a sitting congressperson or governor announces retirement
The monthly July 23, 2024 "Has Weak AGI been achieved?" poll by @SteveSokolowski results in >= 23% of Manifold voters agreeing that weak AGI has been achieved (excluding "no opinion")
Pitch invasion during the Olympic opening ceremony portion held inside the stadium
Major or controversial gaffe during the Olympic opening ceremonies, as judged by chris (strutheo)
Kamala Harris says COCONUT or JD Vance says COUCH in the last week
tesla catches fire as reported by tesla-fire.com
Hottest July on record
Russia bombs a second hospital
The Olympic flame fails to light within 15 seconds of the intended time
>=31% of respondents to the monthly "has weak AGI been achieved" poll respond that weak AGI has been achieved
biden attends the olympics
Kamala announces VP pick
claude haiku 3.5 releases
web3isgoinggreat has at least 25 posts this month
another hawaii wildfire makes national headlines in the usa

I reserve the right to NA any answer for any reason, to combat duplicates or abuse.

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Resolves NO? He at least didn't get listed in People Magazine's Every Royal from Around the World at the Paris Olympic Games . . . So Far article.

Kamala Harris says COCONUT or JD Vance says COUCH in the last week

going off the two polymarkets for this one

bought Ṁ236 Answer #6969a76cd2db YES


@SteveSokolowski @strutheo
No mentions of Putin. 9 mentions of Russia in transcript.
e.g. "horrible war with Russia and Ukraine"
"The whole world was at peace, and now the world is blowing up around us. All of these things you read about were not going to happen.

Under President Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under President Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under the current administration, Russia is after all of Ukraine. Under President Trump, Russia took nothing."

Nothing I see that looks like praise of Putin per transcript

All Russia mentions look like: you need me as someone who might do unpredictable things in order to stop Russia aggression.

Where has this market been hiding? I haven't seen it for weeks.

Lots of other fun drama and mana probably drove it to the bottom

bought Ṁ1,000 Answer #68wil8iemj NO

@SteveSokolowski @strutheo
If sentencing doesn't happen as seems very likely, does this get N/Ad or resolved no or ...?

probably NO since i cant NA unless mods wanna

@SteveSokolowski I think this and the Tim Scott one can probably resolve NO?

bought Ṁ61 Answer #vk2llbsbpb NO

@SteveSokolowski @strutheo
Biden announced April 2023? so not in July.
I guess replacement announcements are possible....

@Qoiuoiuoiu @strutheo
Is Bullet hits Trump ear an impact event?

haha well I meant more along the lines of meteors but I'll leave this one to @strutheo

Yes I figured you meant
An impact event is a collision between astronomical objects causing measurable effects.
Trump an astronomical object sounds about right ;)
Measurable effects seems easy.


Lol I dnt think it counts

bullet an astronomical escalation?

bought Ṁ350 Answer #c55b2ac01633 YES

@SteveSokolowski @strutheo
14 19:52 SW 12 10.00 A Few Clouds FEW250 95 63 100.9

Last column shown above is 6 hour max temperature of 100.9

I didn't think that would resolve yes - that's a pretty rare event.

bought Ṁ266 Answer #80b2c2e8f549 NO

@Tumbles Based on the linked market, there aren't any loans due this month, so I think this can resolve NO.

sold Ṁ0 Answer #2dc49f9ce8f3 YES

@strutheo this was above 60k on July 1-2 and reached it on the 3rd, now well below. No idea why it stood at 33% days after it dipped. What am I missing?

@strutheo can you resolve YES please? thanks.

Here's a chart of the previous AGI polls. I think that the answer for 31% will be exceeded this month.