Please rate yourself on a scale of 0-20 by adding up points from the following categories. Select whichever option is closest to your opinion, as I cannot allow for infinite detail with 5 steps.
0 - Transgender medicine should be banned in its entirety for the purpose of "gender transition".
1 - Transgender medicine should generally be banned, but should be allowed in extreme cases for mentally ill adults kept under supervision who would otherwise be very likely suicide risks.
2 - Transgender medicine should be allowed for adults and completely banned for minors.
3 - Transgender medicine should be allowed for adults. It should be allowed for minors with the mutual consent of the medical practitioner, child, and both parents.
4 - Transgender medicine should be allowed for adults and children, and there exists at least 1 case for which parental consent should not be required, for instance but not limited to "chronically physically and/or psychologically abusive parents".
0 - People identifying as "transgender" should be obligated to facilities that confirm with their birth sex.
1 - People identifying as "transgender" should be discouraged from using facilities that match their "gender identity", but legal punishments should remain rather low to serve as a mere deterrent.
2 - Transgenders should be able to use bathrooms which comply with their gender identity without legal punishment. However, the institution has a right at any time to tell that person they may not use a certain bathroom, or tell an employee they cannot use a certain bathroom. Public institutions have a right to reject "gender identity" based justifications for prisons, abuse shelters, welfare programs, etc.
3 - Bathrooms should be "Self-ID". Prisons, shelters, womens' universities, etc. should require some proof of previously completed surgery. The state, in the case of prisons, has no obligation to pay for your "trans healthcare".
4 - Bathrooms should be "Self-ID". Prisons, shelters, womens' universities, etc. should only require some "evidence of earnest desire to transition". The state, in the case of prisons, has an obligation to pay for your "trans healthcare".
0 - Legal gender changes should not be allowed under any circumstance.
1 - Legal gender changes should require proof of surgical "transition".
2 - Legal gender changes should require some proof of chemical "transition".
3 - Legal gender changes should be the matter of submitting a document.
4 - Legal gender changes should be the matter of submitting a document. Private business institutions should have to respect your "legal gender".
0 - Transgenders should not be allowed in sports that align with their so-called "gender identity".
1 - Transgenders should be banned from professional sports, but allowed up to the high-school level.
2 - Transgenders should generally be banned from professional sports, but there is at least 1 possible exception.
3 - Organizations have the right to set standards, but there should be no categorical ban on "transgender" as a group competing within their "gender identity".
0 - Transgenderism should warrant an 18+ rating and some additional censorship. Positive depictions of transgenderism should be treated akin to positive depictions of rape, incest, necrophilia, or drug use.
1 - Transgenderism should warrant an 18+ rating.
2 - Companies generally have a right to add transgender to their media, but there should be restrictions on media targeted to everyone.
3 - Companies and authors have a unilateral right to add transgender themes or characters to their movies, books, games, TV shows, etc. even if they happen to be targeted at children or have a likely significant child audience.
0 - "Trans women" are men and "trans men" are women. Essentially: transgenderism is a lie.
1 - Some meaningless half-answer. Examples include "does it really matter?" "it depends on who you ask" or "that's a meaningless question without an answer".
2 - "Trans men are men and trans women are women".
Biases: I am a Russian Orthodox Christian who is devoutly going to Church. I believe that the Church does not err in its teaching, and that includes the Church's teaching on "gender" and "sexuality" issues. So, I am in favor of the complete banning of LGBT in any facet of public life. I am a monarchist. I am a husband and a father.
Despite this, I tried to write these as fairly to both sides as possible, so both sides, the correct side and the degenerate side, would not have issues with the wording or examples listed. I feel I was fair, but if anyone disagrees he or she is free to comment. If the critique is salient, I will edit.
Expectations: I believe there are only two truly consistent answers: 0, the path of rejecting transgender ideology, and 20, the path of completely embracing transgender ideology. Despite that, I expect most of Liberal Manifold to be split between the 10-15 and 16-19 options. This is for two reasons. Firstly, Manifold is generally filled with people who like to think themselves smarter than their peers and even God, and to engage in this type of intellectual masturbation which serves only the ego and not Him, it is necessary to disagree with everyone around you, whether they be Christians or even the Woke. Secondly, transgenderism is just ridiculous. And most people, especially men, can see that when you take transgenderism to its logical conclusion. That's why I think it is tantamount to make the argument that transgenderism cannot be divorced from its ugliest aspects, because all transgender arguments ultimately rest on the same ontological foundation.
Feel free to comment your score-card if you feel so inclined.
What would Brianna Wu be?
3+2+2+1+3+1=12 I think... She self-IDs as a biological male so I'll give her 1 at the end.
Colin Wright?
2+2+1+0+1+0=6 I am guessing?
I don't like the emotionally loaded language, written by a certain theocrat who scores a zero, but I actually do think that it's nice that someone made a measure of feelings on trans issues that is not binary.
@nathanwei Again, although I am personally a Christian,
If there is any "emotionally loaded language" in the numbered portion for scoring which actually influences the result of the poll, please point it out. If your critique is salient I will fix it.
I did not bring up the LORD once in my comments in this thread about why transgenderism is ultimately bankrupt. It's illogical. It just logically fails. Now technically that goes back to God because you can't actually have a consistent logical framework without God, but everything I said is something that a secularist may argue with me about without invoking a religious discussion. If you blaspheme the LORD then of course I'll have to defend him, but my argument isn't hinged on my faith.
You are the Woke from 10 years ago.
@stardust Wokes really are people who believe that disparate outcomes are due to discrimination. That's the beating heart of wokeness. I reject that strongly, so I am not woke.
@nathanwei Oh nice definition there, from where I wonder. Woke is whoever and whatever goes above the current standards at the time to push a narrative which is anathema to the family.
You are Woke from 10 years ago.
Out of curiosity what is a woman?
I find this a little funny because the wording seems to be very biased and angry - there is no "agenda", it's just people wanting to be what they think is their true selves; it's not "depravity", it's at worst people thinking they're another gender and being wrong (being wrong is not something to be too angry over, of course) and at best people becoming who they want to be; you ignore any answer inbetween a "yes" and a "no" as a "meaningless half-answer", as if the world is purely black and white and nuance is a nonexistent idea; and you justify this whole thing with God's teachings, written down by people thousands of years ago who definitely couldn't have consciously or unconsciously slipped in their own biased and/or factually incorrect ideas, and most definitely couldn't have made the whole thing up, oh dear Lord no! Even then, didn't God say to love your neighbors and the people around you? What makes people who think they were another gender exempt from that love, whether they're right or wrong?
Unusually strong hatred in some of the wording aside, let's get back to the question. I answered:
4-3-2(? what specifically does chemical transition mean)-3-3-1.
Notably, the Ontology one not only ignores nuance by ignoring "half-answers", it also ignores nuance by assuming that gender and sex are the exact same, and using "man" or "woman" as if the male gender and the male sex are one and the same. Not necessarily. I found this particular video very interesting:
Please do take a look, even if you don't agree with all of it.
Although I'm not really hard-set on any of my choices above. I'm not trans, so it really isn't my business to think too hard about these issues. I generally go with the policy of "let them be what they want to be, as long as it makes them happy and doesn't hurt others." But the line is blurry, and black and white blend, so deciding what's the line between "making themselves happy" and "hurting others" is a difficult question.
I find this a little funny because the wording seems to be very biased and angry
Which part of it, on the numbered criteria of the poll, if you could mention? I didn't add any mentions of, say, forcing kids to trans even though that is definitely something that does happen because from the worldview of a pro-trans liberal they would vehemently deny it to be common.
Everything not related to accurate self-assessment, well, I get to call the degeneracy as I see it.
you ignore any answer inbetween a "yes" and a "no" as a "meaningless half-answer", as if the world is purely black and white and nuance is a nonexistent idea
Nope. There's this false nuance of believing everything is nuanced. Some things are nuanced. Some things are also very simple. The gender ideology movement is very simple. So I will explain it in simple terms.
I will assume you accept that all "cisgendered" men are men and all "cisgendered" women are women, or that it is a sufficient condition being "cisgendered" is a sufficient condition to be within the "gender" you identify as.
Either "transgendered men" for instance are necessarily men or are not necessarily men. Truth tables, ok. I'm not saying are necessarily men or are necessarily women. I'm saying "necessarily men" or not-"necessarily men". Exclusive disjunction, don't get mad now. If they are necessarily men then you have to accept the ultimate transgender ontological claim that "trans men are men and trans women are women".
If they are not necessarily men, they cannot partake in manhood. Simply put, you could think of a "transgender man" Casey and a "cisgendered" woman Alice, and assign whatever bodily features or mental states Casey has onto Alice, and if at any point Casey becomes a man, it necessarily means Alice is both a man and a woman.
"But you've only shown that if I believe some trans men are men but not all that self ID is a necessary but not suffici-" WRONG. Suppose self-ID is a necessary condition to being a certain gender, but not sufficient. Then the transgenders that we would agree are not their "identified" gender are genderless. This is an absurd conclusion.
you justify this whole thing with God's teachings, written down by people thousands of years ago who definitely couldn't have consciously or unconsciously slipped in their own biased and/or factually incorrect ideas, and most definitely couldn't have made the whole thing up, oh dear Lord no!
For one, impossibility of the contrary. Your foundationalist system of reasoning is at its root incoherent, and as is any that does not admit the verity of Orthodoxy. You can google Jay Dyer if you want to find out more. But I'm not here to have that argument. The whole point of the ontological argument is, look at what I've written above. At no point did I bring up God.
Even then, didn't God say to love your neighbors and the people around you? What makes people who think they were another gender exempt from that love, whether they're right or wrong?
This is relevant. If someone you love is a drug addict, is love to continue letting this person rot in ruin? Or is it taking away the drugs and getting him/her the help he/she needs, even if it hurts. It is better for the souls of "transgenders" to turn away from their spiritual affliction and towards the light of the LORD.
what specifically does chemical transition mean
Cross-sex hormones.
it also ignores nuance by assuming that gender and sex are the exact same, and using "man" or "woman" as if the male gender and the male sex are one and the same.
Nope! We agree that "men" and "women" are very commonly used and mean certain things. The question is essentially what they should mean. Someone like me will answer that "trans men" are women and "trans women" are men because such a thing is determined by the LORD before one is born, before one is conceived, and that any resulting psychological states are near-meaningless in the wake of the LORD's judgement.
A liberal, such as the 8 poor souls who definitely selected "2" on the Ontology portion (and probably a nonzero number of the 16-19s), would likely not deny the existence of the male and female sex, but would render them subservient to their twisted idea of "gender identity," such that what is properly "man" or what is properly "woman" in the greatest sense is only defined by "gender identity" with no bearing on biological or spiritual realities. You see a reification of this with terms such as "cisgendered" "assigned [something] at birth" or "birthing person".
What I mean by this is that we can play whatever language games we want. I could say "for the sake of this market, a 'triangle' is something edible made of bread with a cheesy interior" and you could probably, with fair accuracy, pinpoint that whenever I say "triangle". But if you are asked "is that really a triangle", well, no. And it wouldn't be even if 99% of the world disagreed with you (on the concept, not just "we want to use a different word"). The Christian thesis is that what a man or woman is, in its nature, is given by God who does not err. The liberal thesis is that it is given by one's psychological state.
Professor Dave video
I'm afraid "throw soyence at it" won't solve anything. This is a philosophical issue, not a scientific issue. I'm sure I agree with Dave on most of the factual matters -- biological sex exists, there are certain people with a mental issue that makes them want to become/exhibit characteristics of the other sex, there are social aspects tied to sex that we may call "gender" which go above and beyond the necessary implications of sex (otherwise phrases such as "men should be masculine" would reduce to tautology), and there are some studies with shoddy methodology and low sample size that indicate that chemical or surgical "transition" may reduce suicide rates.
All of that is ultimately irrelevant to the factual basis of the matter.
If I really really want to be superman and it would make me feel a lot better if everyone treated me like Clark Kent... that does not make me Clark Kent. Society should not have to pretend that I am.
If I really want to steal from my neighbor and it would make me feel a lot better if I did, society should not tolerate such behavior. It is wrong regardless of my desires.
Nope! We agree that "men" and "women" are very commonly used and mean certain things. The question is essentially what they should mean.
Does it necessarily have to be one or the other? Just like how the word "vegetable" includes different foods depending on whether you speak in a culinary context or a scientific context, so can the words "man" and "woman" change whether you talk about gender identity or biological sex.
If someone you love is a drug addict, is love to continue letting this person rot in ruin? Or is it taking away the drugs and getting him/her the help he/she needs, even if it hurts.
Okay, that's a very valid point, assuming that transgenderism is a sickness (which it is not neccessarily a sickness, mind you). However, accusing transgender people as being part of an "agenda" is neither helpful nor accurate, and if you're really trying to convince people that transgenderism is fake, shoving a cross down their throat and saying "god made you this way so shut the f*ck up and accept it" is also not helpful. Again, this is all on the assumption that you ARE right and that transgenderism is fake/an illness/etc. Whether it is real or not is still up for debate, unless you can factually prove that a vast majority of transgender people are in on whatever conspiracy or agenda you assume them to be.
I'm afraid "throw soyence at it" won't solve anything. This is a philosophical issue, not a scientific issue
Ah, but it is indeed a scientific issue! You have turned it into a philosophy issue through your faith - I am aware of it as a scientific issue because that's exactly what it is: a discussion on whether transgenderism is some sort of hallucination/sickness, or whether it is a real and genuine phenomenon that deserves proper attention.
If I really really want to be superman and it would make me feel a lot better if everyone treated me like Clark Kent... that does not make me Clark Kent. Society should not have to pretend that I am.
If I really want to steal from my neighbor and it would make me feel a lot better if I did, society should not tolerate such behavior. It is wrong regardless of my desires.
These are two false equivalences. Treating you like you are Superman is something that would require a large effort on the part of everyone around you, and is indeed unnecessary. Calling you by what you want to be called does not require a large effort on the part of everyone around you. Name changes are allowed in almost every civilized nation, because we as a society have agreed that it is the polite thing to do to call people by the name they want to be called so long as the name is not extremely frivolous or tedious. Similarly, we as a society have agreed that it is not a big deal to call people by the pronouns they want to be called. That's it. That's all. Whether trans people get surgery or chemical transition is up to them, and needs not be paid for by the state - but at the bare minimum, we can take the minimal effort to call them by what they want to be called and treat them like a normal person.
Similarly, stealing from a neighbor is directly harmful - transgenderism is not. What has a transgender person done to hurt you? Nothing. Transgender people are not asking for society to bend to their whim and will - they are just asking for a little basic human decency.
Does it necessarily have to be one or the other?
In the broadest context yes. A "vegetable" can be an assortment of tastes culinarily or an assortment of biological characteristics scientifically, but if you admit some type of moral being to "vegetable" then in the broadest sense it must mean one of the two. The scientific definition seems to have won out. With something as trivial as vegetables, you don't have to admit some sort of real ontological status to what a vegetable is, no one would really care. Men and women are different though.
And if you don't want to admit any real ontological status to what men and women are then again you have to be driven to the conclusion that "cisgendered" men and "cisgendered" women are not necessarily men or women which is absurd.
I'm not saying you have to have a precise definition of what a woman is. I'm saying that what a woman is is real. There is some set of characteristics in the world for which it holds true, and under any conceivable definition that doesn't crank the arbitrary to 9000 either 2 is true, or 0 is true. And thus all the conclusions that follow.
However, accusing transgender people as being part of an "agenda" is neither helpful nor accurate, and if you're really trying to convince people that transgenderism is fake, shoving a cross down their throat and saying "god made you this way so shut the f*ck up and accept it" is also not helpful.
For one, I didn't bring up the LORD until you did. I'm happy to make this argument without invoking Him, as the entire basis of the ontological argument was that I wanted to make something so I could argue with secularists who have their eyes blinded.
But it looks like it did work. I mean, Trump won, thank the LORD. Across the world, people who are negative on "transgender issues" are winning, and mostly using this kind of rhetoric.
gain, this is all on the assumption that you ARE right and that transgenderism is fake/an illness/etc.
To be clear by "transgenderism is fake" I don't mean there is no such thing as transgenderism. Obviously there is, or we wouldn't be talking about it. I mean that transgenderism has no ontological basis in reality.
Ah, but it is indeed a scientific issue! You have turned it into a philosophy issue through your faith - I am aware of it as a scientific issue because that's exactly what it is: a discussion on whether transgenderism is some sort of hallucination/sickness, or whether it is a real and genuine phenomenon that deserves proper attention.
Nope. Still a philosophical issue. Let's make this very clear and take a simple example: murder. We all agree murder is unambiguously wrong, and can likely agree on what makes something murder. Where in science does it tell you murder is wrong? It can tell you how much pain that person was in or what kind of poison infested their veins or when they stopped drawing breath. It being wrong is on us.
Transgenderism: here lies the issue. What is the dividing line between "some sort of hallucination/sickness" or "proper attention". I agree it's a real phenomenon that deserves proper attention... the proper intention of using the full force of the law to suppress it as much as possible. There is no scientific fact of the matter that's particularly relevant here unless it's subservient evidence to some deeper ontological claim.
Either trans women are women and trans men are men, and so every claim of the transgender movement follows.
Or trans women are men and trans men are women, in which case every claim of the transgender movement does not. Because our society makes categorical distinctions on sex. That is to say, if a "cisgendered" woman ended up looking very masculine somehow, she would still end up using the ladies' room. A male "cisgendered" crossdresser (who is also engaged in sin, mind you) would not, no matter how convincing he may be.
These are two false equivalences. Treating you like you are Superman is something that would require a large effort on the part of everyone around you, and is indeed unnecessary. Calling you by what you want to be called does not require a large effort on the part of everyone around you. Name changes are allowed in almost every civilized nation, because we as a society have agreed that it is the polite thing to do to call people by the name they want to be called so long as the name is not extremely frivolous or tedious.
This is more proof that the issue is philosophical. You're drawing a line in the sand and saying "it doesn't require a lot of effort". According to whom? According to you. 50% of Americans would disagree. Likely more, if they were honest with you. And I'm okay with name changes, I think that men should generally have masculine names and vice versa but I will call Caitlyn Jenner Caitlyn Jenner. That is his legal name.
Similarly, we as a society have agreed that it is not a big deal to call people by the pronouns they want to be called. That's it. That's all.
Ah, we as a society. You know there was a society not too long ago that thought that the Holocaust was good right? Not an argument.
Whether trans people get surgery or chemical transition is up to them, and needs not be paid for by the state
Paid for by the state to some extent here and much more in other countries such as those in Western Europe. Will you come out against that, that those laws should be repealed?
Additionally, more reason why the ontology question matters. I'm glad that you have sanity on this issue, because it belies the answer you should seek, that "trans men are NOT men and trans women are NOT women." Generally, healthcare serving some medical end is paid for. It's actually wholly consistent that the state should pay so long as you accept the trans agenda. The fact that you intuitively understand that such a thing is cosmetic, not needed, and the state should not pay for it should lead you to the proper conclusion, even if your current position is inconsistent. Why should the state not pay for it? Because you are essentially paying for the cosmetic surgery of men and women with a spiritual affliction.
Similarly, stealing from a neighbor is directly harmful - transgenderism is not. What has a transgender person done to hurt you? Nothing. Transgender people are not asking for society to bend to their whim and will - they are just asking for a little basic human decency.
Transgenderism is in the process of completely eradicating the idea of gender in its entirety. From a Christian perspective, that's pretty big. Transgenders in media normalizes them to children, additionally. And as for human decency: If I'm 37 (making this number up) and I tell my boss that I identify as 57 and to please give me seniority raises... not a violation of human decency to point out the reality of the situation.
0 - "Trans women" are men and "trans men" are women. Essentially: transgenderism is a lie.
1 - Some meaningless half-answer. Examples include "does it really matter?" "it depends on who you ask" or "that's a meaningless question without an answer".
Of the two, I firmly pick 0, however my view is that (sufficiently medicated) trans men and women are separate categories. Neither men nor women.
@skibidist Why do you believe this?
I will note that I disagree because it does not align with what the Church and Holy Scripture teaches, but I see why it might be appealing to those who want to straddle a middle ground between trans ideology and what is right. However, the same as with trans ideology, it is ultimately not in concord with the Church and thus ultimately self-refuting at some level.
@stardust There exist intersex people with ambiguous genitals. There is no objective basis for classifying them as one sex or the other. Let's say they are medically transitioned to exhibit mostly male characteristics. They will become a trans-man.
I find it plausible that one could have female genitals and most of the body, but ambiguous (or male) brain structure. They too could then be transitioned to become a trans-man. In fact, a regular 100% cis-female could be transitioned to become a trans-man as well. They would never become a man, because biological differences would remain. However I think it's merely a technical difference. If the technology was good enough to make the trans-man physically indistinguishable from a regular man, they would become a man.
What I reject is the concept of purely psychologically gender identity without a physical basis.
I think you once wrote that the alternative to embracing God and the church doctrine is chaos. I completely agree with that. I am a nihilist, because I don't think there is an objective reason to accept God, except to self-servingly make the world make sense.
@skibidist I see. Well the ontology argument isn't really made for you then, because it seems like you would accept the proposition that "cis men are not (necessarily) men", and perhaps either that you can be genderless or have two genders. Personally, I find these propositions as the conclusion of an argument from absurdity. The Church states:
An eunuch, if he has been made so by the violence of men or [if his virilia have been amputated ] in times of persecution, or if he has been born so, if in other respects he is worthy, may be made a bishop.
He who has mutilated himself, cannot become a clergyman, for he is a self-murderer, and an enemy to the workmanship of God.
If any man being a clergyman shall mutilate himself, let him be deposed, for he is a self-murderer.
Apostolic canons 21-23. Ultimately, I may offer a pithy consequential argument, which is that if you affirm your view, it ultimately still leads to the conclusion that liberals are correct on some level -- there may be no trans kids, but you can trans the kids. I will think up a more explicit argument as to why this "genderless state" which still allows for changing of genders does not work though, and I will also state that this is why we Christians view male and female as part of the created order not psychological, not just physical, but predominantly spiritual.
I think you once wrote that the alternative to embracing God and the church doctrine is chaos. I completely agree with that. I am a nihilist, because I don't think there is an objective reason to accept God, except to self-servingly make the world make sense.
Well, I suppose if you'd like you could check out "Jay Dyer". He and Father Ananias do a better job at arguing, say, the Transcendental Argument than I do. Clearly you operate with the notion that some of the things you say make sense, some of the things you hear make sense, some of the things you hear don't make sense. Without the LORD as a guarantor, nothing would have a real ontological status above something else. You may think, say, Islam is evil, wrong, and just plain stupid. But on what basis? The only basis left is circular.
For me this is an unacceptable conclusion. Glory to the LORD!
I am a monarchist.
@stardust Are there any current monarchies (excluding those where the monarch mostly just has ceremonial power) that you support? If so, which ones?
@stardust How do you believe the monarch should even be chosen? Most historical monarchies originated with either someone just seizing political power through brutal violence (e.g. William the Conqueror), or existing nobles arbitrarily choosing someone to be given power after a dynasty collapsed (e.g. the Romanovs)
@TheAllMemeingEye Probably chosen by the Church, but I'm open to alternatives as long as it's a Christian monarchy.
@OP Oh wow tbh from my standpoint transgenderism is ridiculous enough that it's a really hard guess... but if I had to make a bet
I think my full-points options on all of them were sufficiently ridiculous that it's not an ideological break. Maybe the trans sports stuff, but I think if you're OK with trans kids it's not a huge jump.
I'm going to go with the ontology section. I'll never bet against Manifold users wanting to do sophism.
@stardust heyo, you’re pretty good. That’s the one.
I could go either way on the ontology side of things, but I’m generally in favour of enabling people to live how they want to live. I guess more of a transhumanist than a transgenderist?
@OP Here's my question then, and I don't mean to turn this into a debate unless you want to. I am always open to, but some people flee when they hear that I'm a Christian.
I'll do some assumption. The line a lot of people go with is "language is complicated, blah blah blah".
My question is if "language is complicated", would you apply the same language to actual men/women, or you would call them "cisgendered" maybe. If someone said "cisgendered women are women, yes, no, it's complicated" would you pick the "it's complicated" option?
If so, then I suppose you're consistent, although I find that to be a head-hurting position. If not, then on the trans issue clearly you have something to grapple with. I would argue this pushes most "it's complicated"ers alone to the "trans women aren't women. trans men aren't men" side even if they don't want to say it. Sure, a "trans man" may be able to partake in manhood from your world view... up to but excluding definitely being a man. There is no "maybe" answer in this equation.
@stardust For cis-men/cis-women it’s less complicated, as they want to be men/women, and are men/women. Whereas with trans, it’s something they need to work to achieve, but it’s achievable.
We’ve all seen the trans-men/trans-women who pass incredibly well. Very few people would look at a passing trans-man, for instance, and say ‘that’s a woman’.
So within the category of (for instance) trans-men, there are both people who are men, and people who are aspiring to be men. The extent to which one’s prepared to accept aspirants really depends on context. (How closely do they align with the ideal of ‘man’, what are the privileges being sought in that instance, and how accommodating are you feeling?)
So you could say: ‘Cis-men are men. Some trans-men are men. And some trans-men sit in a liminal space in between’.
To put it a different way, there’s a platonic ideal of a man. One can say of a man that he is ‘manly’ or ‘unmanly’. However, for most cis-men, if they make some effort at being men, then they will be accepted as men. For trans-men, they start at a different point, but with sufficient effort, can get close enough to that ideal to also be accepted as men.
It’s similar to religion in a way. You can be born orthodox, raised orthodox, and baptised. You can be non-practising. You can be a late convert. You can blaspheme. You can claim to be orthodox, or not. But there’s a combination of factors that may mean that, in any given set of circumstances, you sit inside and outside of that category. Your personal stated identification plays some role, but isn’t necessarily wholly determinative.
So, like I said, 19/20.
@OP I appreciate that you reject Self-ID nonsense but believe your definition to be inconsistent. It seems, I'm inferring from your comment, that you believe what a man/woman is to be something dependent on your appearance. You would front the opinion, say, "all cis women are women. Some trans women are women." But again, I find this objectionable and believe that it implies the ontological reality that no trans women are women and no trans men are men.
We’ve all seen the trans-men/trans-women who pass incredibly well. Very few people would look at a passing trans-man, for instance, and say ‘that’s a woman’.
I also find this example faulty. If you told them that she was born a woman then those numbers would probably change, mostly along partisan lines, but probably >50 saying that she's really a woman.
If someone who's on the older side takes very good care of their skin and whatnot and is an expert at that stuff, you may assume she's 35, but that doesn't change the fact that she's 50. And if you let people know she's 50 then no one will continue to insist she's 35.
But I will cut to the point and get to the important part. Again, you have agreed and so do I that "cisgendered" men are men and "cisgendered" women are women. I would ask, if a "cisgendered" woman appears to be masculine such as Imane Khalif or that one basketball player who was detained in Russia for drugs, Britney Griner or something I believe, would that make her not a woman? Of course not. Or, maybe you think so.
My point is this: if you believe the following propositions:
P1. All "cisgendered" men are men and all "cisgendered" women are women
P2. Not all trans-men are men and not all trans-women are women
P3. Some trans-men are men and some trans-women are women
You must drop one. Not all 3 can be held at the same time.
If you believe P2 and P3, as you do, that implies there is some quality not related to "self-ID" that makes one a man or a woman. That puts you into either two boxes. A: it is a quality not inherent to being "cisgendered," which means P1 is out. B: it is a quality inherent to being "cisgendered," which means P3 is out -- "trans men" can never share in manhood qua manhood in the same way that real men can.
Combinations 1+3 and 1+2 exclusively eliminate the last one from a similar line of argument. You believe that real men/women have some unique unifying property such that they could never be the other way, and transgenders either do partake or do not partake in this property, and whether they do or not thus reflectively renders the statement true or false. Or you could believe that not all "cisgendered" men are men and defend that point but I find it quite wacky.
On the topic of Orthodoxy since you brought it up, this is incorrect. There are only those who are saved and those who are not. That I cannot know, you cannot know, only God can know. That said:
- There is no salvation outside of the Church.
- Whether you partake in Communion and the Holy Sacraments is not a "grey" thing. The requirements for Communion are very cut and clear, and by the way, cradle Christians may lose them. The Sacraments are necessary for Salvation.
- Your "personal identification" plays no role, at least not causally. If you are Christian, God has told you to spread the faith, so you will say you are Christian. But you are saying you are Christian because you are Christian, not the other way around.
@stardust I square the circle by defining the qualities for men as being closely aligned with those of cis-men, but not inherent.
If it helps, you can think of it as a points system, where 50 is a passing grade:
Self-ID: 20 points
Secondary sex characteristics: 30 points
Primary sex characteristics: 20 points
Misc performance: 30 points
So if you have the primary+secondary sex characteristics, and ID as such, you’re automatically over the line. A cis-person is dealt a starting hand such that they get across the line from birth. But if someone lacks some of those characteristics, they can acquire them, and in any case may be able to make up for it with a sufficiently gendered performance.
Age is similar and dissimilar. On one hand, it’s also performed. There are expectations that one act one’s age. We can talk of experiences aging people. Some people are developmentally stunted and have a functional mental age far lower than their real age, and get treated accordingly. But on the other hand it’s an immutable measurement, like a meter or a kilogram, so even if we accept someone as fitting into a different social conception of age (eg ‘the brain of a five year old’), we don’t say they ‘are’ that age.
We conceivably could have gone the same way for gender. To an extent, we did. We can conceive of women being masculine, or men being feminine. But there’s also a space beyond just those 30 odd points of performance, where it starts to make sense to conceive of it as a full transformation into a man, rather than just being man-like.
Re religion, I’ll step back from Orthodox and just talk about the classic Prot/Cath/Ang/etc Christians, since I know them better. There’s enough grey area that, at least socially, there are a number of factors that go into whether you’re considered religious. (With self-ID featuring prominently, but not necessarily being determinative.)
@OP But I still think this is inconsistent. I insist under your criteria you must still reject one of the three. Let's look at your point chart.
Self-ID: 20 points
Secondary sex characteristics: 30 points
Primary sex characteristics: 20 points
Misc performance: 30 points
I will not inquire into the exact amounts too much because I understand this is an example (although -- thank the LORD that your example would render "trans kids" impossible. It is sane in that regard). However, I must object to your argument. You agree that of course "cisgendered" men are men and "cisgendered" women are women, but this very point system leads you to the absurd conclusion that this is not the case.
For one, within the set of real men, it is trivial to think of at least a few examples for which this chart does not hold. Let's say he identifies as a man, has some genital deformity due to a birth or after-birth accident, and it's sufficiently bad that he cannot enter a typical male puberty. As for his presentation, it's just casual-normal. You get 20+0+let's say 10+15.
Or for instance, let's say that you have a boy who is forcibly transed into a "transgendered girl" against his will. Now, you don't have to agree with my example, but you acknowledge that it is possible and in a world with 8 billion people, not unlikely that it's happened at least a few times. In this case, he would be a cisgendered male that you would reject as being a man.
Age is similar and dissimilar. On one hand, it’s also performed. There are expectations that one act one’s age. We can talk of experiences aging people. Some people are developmentally stunted and have a functional mental age far lower than their real age, and get treated accordingly. But on the other hand it’s an immutable measurement, like a meter or a kilogram, so even if we accept someone as fitting into a different social conception of age (eg ‘the brain of a five year old’), we don’t say they ‘are’ that age.
Yes, there are certain things that are expected of age. That are typical of age. But none of what you mention are necessities of age. I might say that a 40 year old ought not to engage in frivolous activities, but if you asked me necessarily, is it within the nature of a 40 year old not to engage in frivolous activities I would say of course not. The question is what is pertinent to the nature of man and woman, and you're right. When it comes to the reality of the situation, the nature of one's soul, there is only male and female -- and no amount of transgendering can change that.
We conceivably could have gone the same way for gender. To an extent, we did. We can conceive of women being masculine, or men being feminine.
1/2. We can conceive of women acting in ways that are currently masculine and vice versa, but not of women being masculine. Masculine and feminine are defined derivative of the male and female nature. What is masculine is defined by what men do. And here's another one. When we're defining masculine as what men do: who is men.
There is only one sane answer, and it too refutes transgenderism.
Re religion, I’ll step back from Orthodox and just talk about the classic Prot/Cath/Ang/etc Christians, since I know them better. There’s enough grey area that, at least socially, there are a number of factors that go into whether you’re considered religious. (With self-ID featuring prominently, but not necessarily being determinative.)
Well, Protestantism is atheism lite. I can speak for Rom Caths to some extent because before converting I was an RC.
This is incorrect, or at least not wholly correct. Sure, you could say you're a Catholic, you could even have people believe you're a Catholic. You could think you're a Catholic. But if you ask any RC theologian, if they aren't too far gone yet, they will tell you that there are the saved and those who are not saved, that Holy Communion is necessary for salvation, a lot of what I told you. Just that RCs are a lot more ecumenist and willing to extend the "invisible Church" far beyond what we as Christians do. For instance, they believe we're saved. We don't believe they're saved.
"Whether you're considered religious" is fundamentally, you're ascribing a secular aspect to this. Which you can do, but understand that it's not something which we from inside do. There is whether you are in communion with the Body of Christ or not. Your salvation first, all else second. Everyone except maybe the Protestants (atheist lite, again) would agree. Probably only the more liberal Protestants at that.