Do you jaywalk?
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Yes - as soon as there's a decent break in the traffic.
Yes - as long as it's night/the streets are empty/there's no one around.
Maybe - if I'm with someone who starts to jaywalk or there are other people going for it, I'll join them.
No - what's the rush? I'll wait for the signal to change.
No - even if I wanted to, it's illegal/really frowned upon/not done by anyone where I am.
Some other option - I'll explain in the comments.

for the purpose of this poll:

answer with the option that matches your take on jaywalking in an average setting - likely the place you live - rather than traveling to a place where you don't know the laws or customs, or where you're less familiar with your surroundings. there's no distinction here between a crosswalk or a random point in the road.

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Yes––but just moved back to the States (first time as an adult) and have heard it's stricter here so I've been wondering if I should stop

To jaywalk is to cross the street in the middle of the block, rather than in a crosswalk, or in front of oncoming cars that have the right of way.

It can include crossing without using a crosswalk, not following signals, or crossing in the middle of a block. Other examples of jaywalking include: Disregarding "No Pedestrian" signs, Crossing between parked cars, Crossing diagonally across lanes of traffic, and Ignoring pedestrian overpasses or underpasses.

Where i am rn, this is the default lol

@firstuserhere hahaha when I was in NY everyone was walking fast and crossing the street when and where it made sense (doing it with awareness) and I felt so at home. Seattle is full of slow walking signal waiters so I'm somehow anarchistic here? lol

My wife tells me this is due to White Man Syndrome and says I have particularly severe case because I cross diagonally apparently (as opposed to the shortest possible path) LMAO!!

@BTE haha wait what's the syndrome? is jaywalking a white man thing?

@shankypanky It’s a symptom of entitlement I think but idk because I feel fine!! lol!! Apparently I am completely oblivious to my sense of entitlement in such situations where someone else might worry about getting run over by traffic. I apparently assume people don’t mind waiting haha! Like I said I am completely unaware of this while doing it.

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@BTE censored!

Pretty fly for a white guy.

I used to a lot when I lived in Dublin (as did everyone else) because their crosswalk signal timer config is insane. In the Netherlands I mostly avoid it, but if a large group of people start walking I'm not going to wait. If I'm alone and had any alcohol I don't do it at all.


...and had any alcohol I don't do it at all.

what's the influence of alcohol here? is that because of safety, or you're more cautious when you've had a drink, or..?

i’m the person that makes everyone else jaywalk

@mattyb same actually - let's go for a walk 🤝 what's your walking pace?

@shankypanky down. somewhere between a jog and a sprint