Who will win the 2nd round of the 2023 Liberian presidential election?
resolved Nov 18
Joseph Boakai
George Weah

The National Elections Commission has released up to 92.98% of the total votes for the presidential elections, making it certain that Liberia will go for a runoff election in November as required by the Constitution unless there is litigation against the process.

Resolves to the winner as per the National Elections Commission.

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bought Ṁ3,000 of Joseph Boakai

Weah has conceded! This is a huge win for democracy in Liberia!

Based on Weah conceding, the re-runs not affecting more than 1000 voters, Boakai's lead carries him to victory and I feel confident to resolve this in his favor. Write-up by Reuters here.

Keeping this open as we wait - results will take a while, it seems.

bought Ṁ100 of Joseph Boakai

with 99.58% Boakai is up by some 30,000 votes. Will wait for the final results in a few days (there might be a re-run in one county). But in all likelihood Boakai is elected the next president of Liberia.

My rating: Toss up. I have no clue how the roughly 200,00 3rd party voters will break - might do some research on that, if I have time.