Convince me potatoes are the best food
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Potatoes are nutritious: 27mg of vitamin C, 20mg potassium, 1.1mg iron, 3g protein. They’re quite filling and leave you satiated. They can be prepared in a thousand different ways (baked, boiled, fried, roasted, mashed, etc). Since potatoes have a mild flavor, they pair well with many foods, from savory meats to sweet sauces. They also brought us french fries and potato chips—can’t go wrong with that!

French fries

Price, nutrition, versatility, aesthetic, all superb

You can literally put them on your record you can cook them any sort of way you can make them fried you can make them sautéed roasted mashed. You know they’re the only food that can be mushy and be tasty and be crunchy and be tasty. Exactly exactly they can also be a dessert or savory you have sweet potato casserole and then you also have taro and bubble tea and all that shit you cuss I don’t know and then you also make them savory. You know you have like roast potatoes, you know And potatoes when they when there was a potato millions of people died that’s how important they are. Efficient source.

Penn Jillette lost over 100 pounds on a potato-only diet