Will Destiny complete the "true ending" of the Factorio Space Exploration modpack?
resolved Feb 13

The Space Exploration modpack has 2 main endings, the "spaceship" and "gate" endings. This poll resolves YES if Destiny completes the puzzles and tasks associated with the gate ending. The poll resolves NO if Destiny stops actively playing Factorio having only accomplished the spaceship ending or no ending at all.

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predicted YES

He’s playing factorio right now

predicted YES

@Michaeld124 The SEC will be hearing about this

predicted YES

False resolution

predicted YES

Shameless plug for my market which will not close prematurely:

Make your case

predicted YES

Destiny's last stream literally has him actively working towards the gate ending https://youtu.be/xrJoXxTi5H8?t=4072

predicted YES

Reported for false resolution. GTAB

predicted NO

@neverender33 You can cry about losing money all you want but at the end of the day chief when somebody says "I am bored of this video game" and then spends hours looking for other games to play, I think that's a pretty clear sign. Because of the nature of this market it's always going to be a lot more nebulous to conclude a "no" than a "yes", if Destiny goes on to double back on his statement and beat the secret ending then I'll eat a humble pie, but until then, you can suck my dick and cry.

predicted YES

@robotwife thanks for letting me know to never bet on your markets

predicted YES

@robotwife dude got this mad about being called out for scamming a fake market then deleted his accounted lmao

predicted YES

why did this resolve

@Snek Destiny said on stream that he is bored of factorio and started looking for other games to play.

Although after the drama with the other factorio market I would have appreciated a longer wait time before the market is resolved...

predicted YES

@Agh yea seems highly sus to resolve it so quickly

predicted YES

@Snek Yea really not sure... he's playing right now

predicted YES

Does this count his time in London as "stops actively playing Factorio"? Or is that ignored since it's unusual?

we out

Thanks for the discount boys!

@Catnee The poll says it will only resolve to NO if he stops actively playing Factorio, which hasnt happened yet. He is back to playing factorio today.

@Agh the question is what qualifies as "active". It seems possible he'll be playing it off and on for the next several months.

I sold. He said on stream he's basically done, and will only maybe play for the secret ending in the background, but not mainly.

predicted NO

There is no world Destiny continues playing after getting done the normal ending. If you watch this the ending is crazy hard, and you stop getting new researches so the drive really falls off.


predicted YES

@MichaelRobertson You underestimate Destiny's autistic love for factories. Also, I was here for Nier Automata. People forget Destiny is a real gamer sometimes.

predicted NO

@PersonMan0326 I'm rank 35 on the steam Factorio worldwide for hours played, how dare you question my knowledge of autism.

predicted NO

@MichaelRobertson I'm glad to see I called this over 2 weeks out. I made like 2 grand on this market!

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