Will Destiny canvass in the Georgia runoff election 2022
resolved Dec 8

When speaking with IRI regarding the Georgia elections, Destiny promised he'd canvas if a runoff election was triggered. This will resolve on the day of the Georgia runoff election 12/6/22, or earlier if definitive evidence is given that Destiny won't be doing it.

Resolve Yes- Destiny contributes, either by personally attending, or by mobilizing the Daliban, to a canvassing effort in Georgia.

Resolve No- Destiny doesn't contribute, neither by personally attending, nor by mobilizing the Daliban, to a canvassing effort in Georgia.

Clarification-By mobilize I'm referring to a financial dedication to pay for canvassers to go to Georgia

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predicted YES

The guy that made this stock deleted their account but this should still be resolved by some to YES by some admin.

predicted NO

I'm hella surprised hes doin this on such short notice with the holiday too but we shall see

gg he's talking about organizing it rn BUY BUY BUY

does mobilize mean he tells people to go cause if so low bar i feel like he needs to go

predicted YES

@Lochar By mobilize I'm referring to a financial dedication to pay for canvassers to go to Georgia and do the deed, not just a simple yeah guys go do the canvassing for me. But yeah I agree, he should go, especially since he's in Florida which isn't really that far away.

He said that he would already right?

@DavidDavidson Well he also said he'd dye his hair blue

predicted YES

@redactedfromredacted Sure, he’s just done it before and he made actual promises to friends like IRI instead of a bunch of chatters. Something tells me betraying IRI’s trust by not doing something IRI actually cares about is something he wouldn’t do.

im thinking he wont because dems got control and its such short notice and got in person events coming up

Will Destiny canvass in the Georgia runoff election 2022, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition