@Joshua Sir, we are testing out a parallel market dominated in sats (smallest unit of Bitcoin) instead of MANA. We only rely on our questions posted on Manifold for liquidity matching 1-to-1 on sats. Also, just to be fair we have different close dates than the questions you are comparing us to, thus our markets results may vary. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
@predyx_markets Just so you know @levifinkelstein was banned for making duplicated markets, I think. He trolled in other ways as well but the way I've heard it is that the duplicate markets were an important final straw
@Tumbles Levi mass-copied every popular question. Making duplicates is allowed, but they may be unsubsidized per the guidelines.
@Tumbles Sir, we are not trolling, just performing an experiment on sats market. We not spam anyone.