Will Manifold allow market creators to assign market resolution to other users by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 6

Would be very cool imo, building out a better collaboration / permissioning system and helping to create a fair arbitration. If traders don't trust you to resolve a market fairly, you can hard signal by paying some trusted person a bounty to resolve the market on your behalf to the satisfaction of everyone involved.

Feb 3, 12:29pm: Will Manifold allow market creators to assign market resolution to other users? → Will Manifold allow market creators to assign market resolution to other users by the end of 2023?

Close date updated to 2023-12-31 11:59 pm

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📢Resolved to NO

predicted NO

@noumena Resolves NO

This market feels like it belongs in the Manifold Features group, if there is a chance that Manifold will see this and consider delivering this feature.

One implementation is user A will specify another user B in their profile, and B can resolve any of A's markets. I trust this would resolve YES?

@KCS I would resolve that outcome yes as well.

predicted NO

I feel like this can be 80/20d by the OP just specifying that the market will be resolved according to what the referee comments. Not as binding, but still more trustworthy than the OP judging

This would be great as long as the counterparty had to approve it.

By what date?

@Radicalia thanks, typed this out too fast. updating