2024 Paris Olympics Prop Bets [Add your own!]
Aug 2
A majority of individual running events are won by black athletes
5 or more world records broken
3 or more world records broken
5 or more previous winners will win same medals again
All gold medal winners combined have more letters from first half of alfabet than second half
Jimmy Carter is alive for the Olympic Closing Ceremony
5 continents will win a gold medal
US wins the most medals
At least one aquatic trial is rescheduled or canceled
An athlete makes a politcal gesture at the podium
Athlete shares the music they are listening to
Athlete(s) from one or more countries refuse to compete against athlete(s) from another country
U.S. wins the most GOLD medals
A Baltic country (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) wins at least one gold medal
An Olympic medal winner kisses the mascot
Terrorist attack occurs in Paris
6 continents will win a gold medal
A Chinese competitor tests positive for a performance-enhancing drug
Noah Lyles wins multiple gold medals
A country that has never won a medal wins one

All events must take place between the first day of the first event (even if before the opening ceremony) and the end of the last event, or the closing ceremony, whichever is later.

I reserve the right to edit or N/A anything

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bought αΉ€1 Answer #2be5a2e8d464 NO

The odds of rain falling during the exact specific moment when the flame is being lit are much lower than the odds of it raining at any time during the ceremony, so I think that is overvalued.

bought αΉ€1,277 Answer #e624f4ba6e44 YES


This market is officially live, with football starting!

bought αΉ€750 Answer #9dd7704c3d8c YES

that seems like hooliganism rather than a protest

I don't think so.

@SteveSokolowski @nikki can we resolve this one?

6 continents will win a gold medal

β€œThe Olympic symbol expresses the activity of the Olympic Movement and represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games.” (Olympic Charter, Rule 8)

Are there ANY athletes from Antarctica? Why then the chance of 6 continents is so high? I think you messed up continent with some other word. In the context of Olympics Eurasia is a single continent, so you either meant Antarctica as the sixth, or you introduced serious ambiguity.

5 continents will win a gold medal

@mattyb Does this include 5+ continents or exactly 5?

All gold medal winners combined have more letters from first half of alfabet than second half

@CryptoNeoLiberalist Do people who win multiple gold medals count multiple times for this or only once?

Only once!!!


A few weeks to go!

An athlete makes a politcal gesture at the podium

Has to be explicitly political as judged by me, who will not bet on the question. A flag (other than their own country), a hand gesture, a verbal statement, all can potentially count. Normal patriotism will not count.

Derek YaoboughtαΉ€30Answer #a38c808daec0 YES

Summer McIntosh could conceivably pull it off

4 Im lock for gold

2im/2fly/4free near lock for medal

Could medal in 2 free?

Canadian relays- medals in 4medley, 8free

Tough ask but it could happen

A Chinese competitor tests positive for a performance-enhancing drug
3 or more world records broken
bought αΉ€100 3 or more world reco... YES

25+ world records were broken in Tokyo, 3 or more seems like a low bar

bought αΉ€10 U.S. wins the most G... YES

USA will win the most medals. I'm pretty sure about that

bought αΉ€3 Answer #c0a992047dda NO

Would missed drug tests and/or withdrawal count for this, or only something like stripped medals?