[Metaculus] Will President Biden issue an executive order on immigration before the State of the Union on March 7, 2024?
resolved Mar 11

Will President Biden issue an executive order on immigration before the State of the Union on March 7, 2024?

Resolves the same as the original on Metaculus.

Resolution criteria

This question will resolve as Yes if, after February 21, 2024, and before President Biden's State of the Union speech begins on March 7, 2024, the Biden administration has issued an executive order that it describes as targeted at reducing the flow of migrants entering the US.

Fine print and additional background information can be found on Metaculus.

Once the original resolves, its resolution will be applied to this market automatically. Trustworthy-ish users are encouraged to resolve this market before then if the outcome is known and unambiguous. Feel free to ping @jskf to request early resolution or to report issues.

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@jskf please resolve

bought Ṁ20 NO

Biden is suddenly going to discover his border policy of three years is unpopular? No. Metaculus bros are wrong.

bought Ṁ10 YES from 66% to 67%
bought Ṁ10 NO

Whatever he does, it will be too little too late. Did you see the "compromises" they came up with in the last failed aid package? What a clown our president is.