Will there be a Gaza protest of Biden’s Election Night speech? 👴🏻📢🇵🇸
Nov 6

Conditional on Biden being the DNC nominee in the 2024 Presidential election, will Resolve N/A otherwise.

Will Biden’s Election night event be protested in the name of Gaza / against Israel’s war efforts?

It must be a visible or audible disruption to Biden’s portion of the speech (whether celebratory or conciliatory). And this must happen inside of the event itself, not merely in the proximity/outside. Headlines must be written about the protests by multiple, major, reputable US newspapers for this to Resolve YES.

Context: How Gaza Protesters Are Challenging Democratic Leaders

In Detroit, a congressman’s holiday party devolved into chaos and a broken nose after demonstrators protesting the war in Gaza appeared with bullhorns.

In Fort Collins, Colo., the mayor abruptly ended a meeting during which protesters demanding a cease-fire in Gaza glued their hands to a wall.

And in places as disparate as a historic church in South Carolina and Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan, President Biden has been heckled and drowned out by demonstrators objecting to his support for Israel.

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