who will be more active in Season 11: me 🐈 (@mattyb) or Stefanie πŸˆβ€β¬› (@shankypanky)
resolved Apr 2
πŸˆβ€β¬› - @shankypanky
🐈 - @mattyb

later today, we'll roll on to Season 11 in the leagues. this will be the first time @shankypanky and I will be in the same cohort. Stefanie created this market (below), and I figured, and return the favor.

Last season, Stefanie was active in 1202 buckets (28.8%), and I was active in 1189 buckets (28.5%). Which one of us will be more active in season 11 (march 2024)? If we’re active for the exact same number of buckets, it’ll Resolve 50:50.

resolution terms are obvious. there's no option for this market to N/A. close date is currently 2 April to allow space for the league-end time randomizer.

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This is for these league start and end values:
LEAGUES_START = "2024-03-01T07:00:00.000Z"
LEAGUES_END = "2024-04-01T07:00:00.000Z"

6. shankypanky active in 1172 buckets (26.3%)

7. mattyb active in 1077 buckets (24.1%)

so it's not enough to resolve the market; dunno when the league will end and it might affect the order.

@Bayesian well we ended up next to each other again, both of us fell two spots. but yea, i’ll wait for the official season end

bought αΉ€1,500 🐈 - @mattyb

🐈 🀝 πŸˆβ€β¬›

@Bayesian How do I extract the buckets from the supabase? I'm curious about mine...

@Lion chris shared a gist of his code a while ago in a comment:

@Bayesian wow this is such a game changer

@Bayesian Thank you ❀

@mattyb oooh this is cool. i'm planning to dial back manifold usage a reasonable amount in april, so it's nice to be able to be able to sanity check that progress on occasion

@Ziddletwix that’s a good goal! give some of the movie alpha to me plz, I’m planning to be quite active this month haha

@Ziddletwix If you need some tips, I've dropped from 3rd place to 13th and from 1308 buckets to 855 buckets (and from Masters to Diamond 🀣 )

btw, if anyone needs the full 100 lists, here you go (I haven't entered the correct closing time, was too lazy for that)

[Matty, feel free to hide the comment]

Most active


1. Joshua active in 1494 buckets (33.2%)

2. deagol active in 1488 buckets (33.1%)

3. ChristopherRandles active in 1378 buckets (30.6%)

4. strutheo active in 1334 buckets (29.6%)

5. Ziddletwix active in 1311 buckets (29.1%)

6. shankypanky active in 1174 buckets (26.1%)

7. mattyb active in 1079 buckets (24.0%)

8. SemioticRivalry active in 973 buckets (21.6%)

9. JamesF active in 964 buckets (21.4%)

10. houstonEuler active in 936 buckets (20.8%)

11. AmmonLam active in 886 buckets (19.7%)

12. NFL active in 876 buckets (19.5%)

13. Lion active in 855 buckets (19.0%)

14. chrisjbillington active in 849 buckets (18.9%)

15. Tumbles active in 834 buckets (18.5%)

16. Weezing active in 709 buckets (15.8%)

17. HarrisonNathan active in 697 buckets (15.5%)

18. Bayesian active in 664 buckets (14.8%)

19. jim active in 646 buckets (14.4%)

20. JoshuaWilkes active in 601 buckets (13.4%)

21. RS active in 591 buckets (13.1%)

22. PaintspotInfez active in 583 buckets (13.0%)

23. HandasonTam active in 563 buckets (12.5%)

24. SusanneinFrance active in 543 buckets (12.1%)

25. TonyPepperoni active in 525 buckets (11.7%)

26. simoj active in 522 buckets (11.6%)

27. DylanHarrison active in 522 buckets (11.6%)

28. KongoLandwalker active in 516 buckets (11.5%)

29. benmanns active in 507 buckets (11.3%)

30. HenriThunberg active in 491 buckets (10.9%)

31. Noah1 active in 486 buckets (10.8%)

32. SanghyeonSeo active in 486 buckets (10.8%)

33. BTE active in 484 buckets (10.8%)

34. DaAdCh active in 475 buckets (10.6%)

35. Stralor active in 475 buckets (10.6%)

36. Arky active in 474 buckets (10.5%)

37. ProjectVictory active in 471 buckets (10.5%)

38. Tripping active in 466 buckets (10.4%)

39. DanMan314 active in 464 buckets (10.3%)

40. FinalDestination active in 459 buckets (10.2%)

41. Unown active in 458 buckets (10.2%)

42. Panfilo active in 453 buckets (10.1%)

43. snazzlePop active in 432 buckets (9.6%)

44. TimothyJohnson5c16 active in 431 buckets (9.6%)

45. travis active in 427 buckets (9.5%)

46. nikki active in 412 buckets (9.2%)

47. jacksonpolack active in 404 buckets (9.0%)

48. benshindel active in 396 buckets (8.8%)

49. Shump active in 387 buckets (8.6%)

50. probajoelistic active in 384 buckets (8.5%)

51. NicoDelon active in 379 buckets (8.4%)

52. KevinBurke active in 366 buckets (8.1%)

53. dp9000 active in 362 buckets (8.0%)

54. KeenenW active in 359 buckets (8.0%)

55. AlexanderMiller active in 358 buckets (8.0%)

56. mint active in 357 buckets (7.9%)

57. TheAllMemeingEye active in 343 buckets (7.6%)

58. Gus active in 341 buckets (7.6%)

59. TheWabiSabi active in 341 buckets (7.6%)

60. tpking active in 335 buckets (7.4%)

61. ReeMARKable active in 334 buckets (7.4%)

62. duck_master active in 327 buckets (7.3%)

63. koadma active in 326 buckets (7.2%)

64. becauseyoudo active in 324 buckets (7.2%)

65. Fedor active in 323 buckets (7.2%)

66. riverwalk3 active in 323 buckets (7.2%)

67. Agh active in 317 buckets (7.0%)

68. retr0id active in 317 buckets (7.0%)

69. RanaG active in 308 buckets (6.8%)

70. RemNi active in 307 buckets (6.8%)

71. jBosc active in 307 buckets (6.8%)

72. Qoiuoiuoiu active in 306 buckets (6.8%)

73. JaredAsh active in 302 buckets (6.7%)

74. esusatyo active in 300 buckets (6.7%)

75. TheSecondAdonis active in 300 buckets (6.7%)

76. MugaSofer active in 300 buckets (6.7%)

77. Pykess active in 299 buckets (6.6%)

78. GazDownright active in 297 buckets (6.6%)

79. SaviorofPlant active in 290 buckets (6.4%)

80. BrunoParga active in 288 buckets (6.4%)

81. MichaelWheatley active in 287 buckets (6.4%)

82. Noit active in 284 buckets (6.3%)

83. PlasmaBallin active in 284 buckets (6.3%)

84. WalterMartin active in 282 buckets (6.3%)

85. MichaD active in 281 buckets (6.2%)

86. DavidFWatson active in 280 buckets (6.2%)

87. omou active in 273 buckets (6.1%)

88. CharlieBauer active in 272 buckets (6.0%)

89. binarypigeon active in 271 buckets (6.0%)

90. Fion active in 268 buckets (6.0%)

91. dglid active in 267 buckets (5.9%)

92. thepurplebull active in 264 buckets (5.9%)

93. ML12d1 active in 264 buckets (5.9%)

94. Nat active in 264 buckets (5.9%)

95. roma active in 262 buckets (5.8%)

96. IsaacCarruthers active in 257 buckets (5.7%)

97. manalessmurphy active in 255 buckets (5.7%)

98. Emanuele98 active in 254 buckets (5.6%)

99. themightysalmon active in 254 buckets (5.6%)

100. SimonGrayson active in 253 buckets (5.6%)

Most efficient


1. jskf M86037 in 56 buckets: M1536 per bucket

2. jacksonpolack M293231 in 404 buckets: M725 per bucket

3. PunishedFurry M66779 in 189 buckets: M353 per bucket

4. ithaca M36654 in 107 buckets: M342 per bucket

5. AaronLehmann M12613 in 51 buckets: M247 per bucket

6. RobertCousineau M50001 in 242 buckets: M206 per bucket

7. MichaelWheatley M57122 in 287 buckets: M199 per bucket

8. chrisjbillington M164671 in 849 buckets: M193 per bucket

9. ItsMe M20769 in 121 buckets: M171 per bucket

10. AjayChabra M13260 in 84 buckets: M157 per bucket

11. Shump M59461 in 387 buckets: M153 per bucket

12. june M26546 in 173 buckets: M153 per bucket

13. JimHays M11913 in 78 buckets: M152 per bucket

14. JonasVollmer M13921 in 95 buckets: M146 per bucket

15. ZviMowshowitz M8971 in 62 buckets: M144 per bucket

16. 42irrationalist M8648 in 71 buckets: M121 per bucket

17. Agh M34691 in 317 buckets: M109 per bucket

18. Simon74fe M15398 in 162 buckets: M95 per bucket

19. kpprd M5099 in 55 buckets: M92 per bucket

20. SirCryptomind M21043 in 242 buckets: M86 per bucket

21. DanielEth M4539 in 54 buckets: M84 per bucket

22. BottieMcBotface M8825 in 106 buckets: M83 per bucket

23. Joshua M115945 in 1494 buckets: M77 per bucket

24. NGK M5856 in 76 buckets: M77 per bucket

25. CalebW M12245 in 160 buckets: M76 per bucket

26. SethWalder M4453 in 61 buckets: M73 per bucket

27. Base M4719 in 69 buckets: M68 per bucket

28. omou M18103 in 273 buckets: M66 per bucket

29. Rasmus1 M4620 in 70 buckets: M66 per bucket

30. TiredCliche M6055 in 93 buckets: M65 per bucket

31. AndrewG M8898 in 137 buckets: M64 per bucket

32. dgga M9462 in 151 buckets: M62 per bucket

33. jcb M5112 in 82 buckets: M62 per bucket

34. Shalun M3151 in 52 buckets: M60 per bucket

35. Mad M3968 in 67 buckets: M59 per bucket

36. JonathanRay M12077 in 217 buckets: M55 per bucket

37. ChrisPrichard M10170 in 187 buckets: M54 per bucket

38. ahalekelly M4832 in 92 buckets: M52 per bucket

39. LeonardoKr M5961 in 117 buckets: M50 per bucket

40. FairlyFrozen M12101 in 240 buckets: M50 per bucket

41. ScottHuston M3787 in 76 buckets: M49 per bucket

42. WrongoPhD M4821 in 97 buckets: M49 per bucket

43. asmith M5514 in 115 buckets: M47 per bucket

44. jgyou M5990 in 128 buckets: M46 per bucket

45. GabeGarboden M7313 in 158 buckets: M46 per bucket

46. kjz M2489 in 54 buckets: M46 per bucket

47. kurt M6056 in 132 buckets: M45 per bucket

48. f M2452 in 54 buckets: M45 per bucket

49. benjaminIkuta M5923 in 132 buckets: M44 per bucket

50. HankyUSA M4293 in 96 buckets: M44 per bucket

51. Conflux M6998 in 157 buckets: M44 per bucket

52. omnishambles M3821 in 86 buckets: M44 per bucket

53. Arch1e M5381 in 122 buckets: M44 per bucket

54. SemioticRivalry M42899 in 973 buckets: M44 per bucket

55. WieDan M4967 in 117 buckets: M42 per bucket

56. JohannesKoch M2612 in 63 buckets: M41 per bucket

57. Juan M2550 in 62 buckets: M41 per bucket

58. cc6 M4187 in 102 buckets: M41 per bucket

59. AxelJacobsen M2434 in 60 buckets: M40 per bucket

60. marktwse M6489 in 161 buckets: M40 per bucket

61. nikki M16468 in 412 buckets: M39 per bucket

62. KevinBlaw M2573 in 70 buckets: M36 per bucket

63. kenakofer M2654 in 74 buckets: M35 per bucket

64. Jacy M8104 in 227 buckets: M35 per bucket

65. Marnix M5689 in 165 buckets: M34 per bucket

66. travis M14546 in 427 buckets: M34 per bucket

67. TonyPepperoni M17082 in 525 buckets: M32 per bucket

68. Predictor M7449 in 233 buckets: M31 per bucket

69. Bayesian M20781 in 664 buckets: M31 per bucket

70. NicoDelon M11656 in 379 buckets: M30 per bucket

71. a2bb M3022 in 106 buckets: M28 per bucket

72. DanMan314 M13194 in 464 buckets: M28 per bucket

73. FlorisvanDoorn M5705 in 206 buckets: M27 per bucket

74. NiallWeaver M3425 in 124 buckets: M27 per bucket

75.MilfordHammerschmidt M1873 in 68 buckets: M27 per bucket

76. TenShino M6503 in 238 buckets: M27 per bucket

77. DavidKochanov M2097 in 77 buckets: M27 per bucket

78. jack M5346 in 198 buckets: M27 per bucket

79. TimDuffy M2014 in 76 buckets: M26 per bucket

80. NiciusBot M13013 in 494 buckets: M26 per bucket

81. Victos M1705 in 65 buckets: M26 per bucket

82. Eliza M6596 in 253 buckets: M26 per bucket

83. April M1742 in 67 buckets: M26 per bucket

84. mxxun M1458 in 58 buckets: M25 per bucket

85. Weezing M17761 in 709 buckets: M25 per bucket

86. BoltonBailey M3304 in 132 buckets: M25 per bucket

87. wylderai M2535 in 102 buckets: M24 per bucket

88. Fedor M8012 in 323 buckets: M24 per bucket

89. JeremiahKellick M1829 in 75 buckets: M24 per bucket

90. Voidvamp M2455 in 102 buckets: M24 per bucket

91. GoncaloM M1333 in 56 buckets: M23 per bucket

92. Gabrielle M4874 in 205 buckets: M23 per bucket

93. JiaheLiu M1255 in 53 buckets: M23 per bucket

94. quther M1310 in 56 buckets: M23 per bucket

95. AlexanderMiller M8277 in 358 buckets: M23 per bucket

96. kcs M1915 in 84 buckets: M22 per bucket

97. AndrewLin81ea M1184 in 53 buckets: M22 per bucket

98. ChameLeon M4147 in 189 buckets: M21 per bucket

99. StopPunting M3230 in 149 buckets: M21 per bucket

100. sbares M2930 in 136 buckets: M21 per bucket

boughtαΉ€10πŸˆβ€β¬› - @shankypanky

@mattyb Someone is confident in his abilities πŸ‘

opened a αΉ€1 πŸˆβ€β¬› - @shankypanky at 45% order

@Lion last month was the first time stefanie beat me, when i was really trying to use the app less.

@mattyb yeah, but @shankypanky's buckets are skyrocketing and she will finish first this season

@Lion things are looking grim for me on the leaderboard market so far but I'm still taking frequent trips to the proverbial well πŸͺ£ πŸͺ£ πŸͺ£

@Lion thank God your premonition didn't eventuate