I have had a request for this open since October 2023, and haven’t had a single Manifold staff comment on it despite it getting 12 likes and frequent mentions and bumps.
They are restricting privacy focused users who don’t want to give their emails, who are only able to use the app on their phones, in the mobile app. This isn’t supported on web browsers nor mobile web. There is no option to add Google accounts to Apple ID accounts.
Regardless of the method, if I can login and use the full suite of Manifold functionality on Web with my main account @mattyb every open answer Resolves YES.
@Ziddletwix (i'm not sure the button does anything,but I don't have an iOS account to check with properly)
@Ziddletwix can confirm that a non-working button now exists in the iOS Webview. I oddly don’t see it on Chrome Incognito

I have a question and am not sure where to ask it, so I hope it’s okay to do it here: I would like to donate some of my Mana. However, I cannot find this feature in the iOS app. Also, I cannot log in to the web app because I signed up with Apple ID, not knowing about this problem. Is there any workaround here:
maybe I missed the feature in the app?
maybe I can switch my account to Google login?
something else?
@mattyb here’s a response from the CEO (95% sure) himself:
We can't allow you to donate from the ios app due to apple terms. We also had to provide ios sign in because of their rules
If you signed up with ios, then the best you can do is create a new account on desktop and send it the mana to donate
@Ziddletwix i have a sinking suspicion that this one is gonna resolve “manifold hates you, get fucked”
Most recent manifold staff reply:
"It's not obviously good to allow a work-around, because then they will expect Apple sign in to always work on web.
Unless this takes 2 minutes for me, or another team member wants to take this on, I'd be tempted to close the PR."
I believe @case briefly looked into this and told me it would be a non trivial amount of work. So I suspect manifold staff are aware of the issue, but the math on (how many people it would benefit X how much work it would be) just wasn’t high enough :(
@Nikos then disable iOS new logins. It’s insane that Manifold has chosen to ½ support this. If they weren’t ready to fully adopt this, they shouldn’t have rolled it out in the first place.
@mattyb Ya, it is crazy! My understanding for why this happens is that Apple won’t let you release an iOS app if you have third party auth (ie google auth) but not also Apple ID. So companies will add the bare minimum to get into the App Store (ie Apple ID in the iOS app, but not in the web version).
Manifold is not the only company to do this. Which sucks because I love the idea of Apple ID but I’m worried about getting stuck in situations like this so I end up avoiding it 😭
If I’m remembering correctly the reason it is tricky to add to manifold is that the web login is tightly coupled to the sign up flow. Maybe it would be easier to add a separate route/page that is just to let Apple ID people in?
@Nikos Or At least allow people to change login route in the app, ie, use email and password