Will language models solve cryptic crosswords by end of 2026?
If a large language model can solve >90% of clues from Financial Times cryptic crosswords then yes otherwise no. Crossword layout as context is allowed.
Here's an example FT crossword:

For example, 2 down is "Giant pig, including tail, served up (7)". Pig is "hog", put tail inside to get "htailog" then reverse it to get "goliath".
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In isolation or given the crossword layout as context?
I would argue that 90% of the challenge is eliminated by having the crossword as context (number of letters, positions of letters). In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many cryptic crosswords could be solved without the clues - just the crossword itself.
Without the crossword layout, I think there is a high degree of ambiguity and 90% might be impossible.
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