Will Destiny have more than 597k subscribers by December 15?
resolved Dec 13

Will Destiny have more than 597000 subscribers on his youtube channel by december 15th?

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predicted YES


predicted YES


predicted YES

Both YouTube and Socialblade are currently showing 597k

predicted NO

@Khorosho WHAT THE HELL? My own is literally showing 596k... I feel scammed. I even checked social blade and it still says 596k

predicted YES

@IwasBored Maybe it hit 597k and since that point it's gone back down to 596k.

predicted NO

@MagniorBjornsson Yeah, it's 597k now. FUDGEEEEEEEEE! I took a big L

predicted YES

@IwasBored I was going to tip you to ease your L, but it doesn't seem to be working for me anymore.

predicted YES

Youtube's public subscriber count is truncated by the way. It only shows 3 significant digits for Destiny but the actual count is higher. Anything between 597999 and 597000 counts as 597k. So if Destiny stays at 597k publicly, we can reasonably assume it is some number greater than 597000.

Therefore this market should resolve yes IF Destiny hits 597k sometime before. Ask August for a specific count if you want.

@ShahriarRahman It isn't clear from the title if he needs to have 597,000+ at any point (currently solved) or if he needs to maintain 597,000 on the close date.

Will Destiny have more than 597k subscribers by December 15?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition