Will any restaurant serve hybrid-rice (rice grains integrated with animal cells) regularly by the end of 2026?

Background reading:

Resolution criteria:

  • Restaurant must serve hybrid-rice on a regularly basis, e.g. one-off pop-up events don't count

  • It doesn't need to be a hybrid between beef and rice, nor must it be cultivated as described in the paper. I count it as long as it's rice with some animal cells cultivated on rice.

  • I will update criteria as we go

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some new coverage on the hybrid rice:


bought Ṁ10 NO

I bet NO because of the 2026 timeline but I'd be super down to try this

@Stralor I'd also be down to try this!

But the real question is: How does this hybrid rice taste? According to the researchers, it has a “rich flavor.” The muscle rice had beefy and smoky notes, and the fat rice was sweet, buttery, and creamy. Would you try it?

seems tasty

@Stralor created another market with an extended deadline 👍