Resolves only, if somehow definitive evidence comes up. (basically a stock)
@levifinkelstein Interesting article, but take into account deontology can be useful as a mean, it allows two agents to cooperate in the prisoner’s dilemma.
[deleted for taking things too seriously]
@higherLEVELING I'll accept a confession by Levi Finkelstein on Plasma Ballin''s survey as evidence of evil. What is meant by evil is of no importance.
@Logaems The survey is anonymous, so I won't actually know if Levi confessed on it. Unless he responds to the comment where I pinged him in my market.
@JosephNoonan Yes, I meant the comment.
(it's possible to create anonymous surveys now? How wonderful!)
@higherLEVELING Actually, at first I wanted to uncannily resolve the market as Yes, by claiming that I only meant the multiplied variables "l", "e", "v" and "i", though the capital "L" ruined it...
@Logaems The survey is by Google forms, which I think has always been anonymous, unless you specifically set it up not to be.
@Logaems Would a large percentage of "Yes" responses on my survey be strong evidence that Levi is evil?
@Logaems Also, your initial comment inspired me to make this market:
Seems that you are in the "two apostrophes" camp. You should make the case for it against the "one apostrophe" crowd that is currently betting.