Resolves to NO if Santos resigns, dies, is expelled from the House, or leaves his current Congressional seat (New York's third district) for any other reason before his term is scheduled to end in January 2025. Resolves to YES otherwise.
It doesn't matter whether Santos remains in the Republican Party or whether he runs for re-election.
Context: Santos, who was elected to Congress in November 2022, has been accused of fabricating his resumé.
Embattled New York Rep. George Santos was expelled from the House on Friday in a historic vote following a House Ethics Committee investigation into alleged fraud perpetrated by his campaign after months of scandals around the freshman Republican lawmaker.
@Gabrielle He'll be too much of a liability by mid-2024, at which time he will have likely been convicted. Under House rules, he isn't supposed to vote if convicted, so between that and the diminishing returns as the length of remaining term goes down, his remaining utility to the GOP will continue to decrease.
@MartinRandall Yes, he can.
Under the formal rules for the US House of Representatives, according to a Congressional Research Service report, “an indicted Member may continue to participate in congressional proceedings and considerations.”
However, if a member is convicted of a crime that could result in a punishment of two or more years in prison, they are instructed under House rules not to participate in votes on the floor or in committee votes.
@MartinRandall I would think so -- looked for an example, but they expelled Traficiant shortly before his prison term started.
This guy was briefly an Article III judge while in prison: