Is eugenics bad?
resolved Nov 28

Resolves YES/NO to majority vote of poll I will hold around market close. If the poll is 50/50 I will resolve to PROB=50%.

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@levifinkelstein Seems like YES won

predicted YES


bought Ṁ1 of NO

Betting 1M$ just so I can, at market close, mark this as a terribly-run market. Without a clear picture of who's being offered the poll this is impossible to predict.

predicted NO

@JiSK I'll post the poll link here. Everyone's free to answer it. Anyone can send the poll to anyone they want. As I've said previously, there's no restriction on who can vote.

bought Ṁ60 of NO

@levifinkelstein you obviously need to be able access the poll though, like you need internet, a device that can connect to the internet, some way of interacting with the device to answer the poll, any relevant account you need to log in to the polling system, etc.

predicted NO

@levifinkelstein If you cared about running the market well, you would have answered one of the several earlier times I asked.

predicted YES

Eugenics in practice is the forced sterilization of "undesirable" gene pools.

predicted YES

@4mur1c4 are you screwing with me? The definition you linked absolute says sterilization.

predicted NO

@robotnik It doesn’t say anything about “forced sterilization”.

predicted YES

@4mur1c4 so your argument is that it's ok because they ask the kids with down syndrome first? Eugenics is not just some hypothetical thing. It's a government policy that has been enacted at various times in history.

predicted NO

@robotnik Forced sterilization is always bad. However, the idea that we can and should remove maladaptive genetics is a good one. Luckily technology is catching up to that and those genetic problems will be able to be fixed. The idea that eugenics is bad is tied to the historical implementation of it, primarily nazi ideology, which is objectively bad.

predicted YES

@4mur1c4 Eugenics (eg forced sterilization) was official government policy in Sweden until 1976. In the US some states had Eugenics agencies (for much of the 20th century even going by that name) engaged in compulsory sterilization until the 1980s.

My point is simply that if you're exclusively talking about gene therapy you're not actually engaging in a conversation about Eugenics.

predicted NO

@robotnik Historical implementations have been terrible crimes against humanity. I don’t think that it necessarily has to be that way though.

predicted YES

@4mur1c4 I think it's reasonable to be more than just skeptical of any program that seeks to direct the evolution of a human population. I think it's incumbent on us to rigorously interrogate the motives as well as the competence of anyone setting out to do such things. If such action is ENTIRELY voluntary, it is not Eugenics, nor is it going to be particularly effective at its objective.

If a mentally retarded couple say, or a couple where one or both members has a sub-optimal genetic condition - or where both members have DIFFERENT sub-optimal genetic conditions - love each other and wish to form a family who precisely has the moral authority to prevent them from doing so without their informed consent? Those are extremes, but once the door is open to extremes, in what world has any agency with power limited themselves to their original mandate?

If it is voluntary - if parents elect to undergo in vitro gene therapy for their offspring - that is one thing. I'm not sure that its necessarily a GOOD thing, as this is also how you get GATTACA, but I'm content to consider it as morally neutral.

predicted NO

@robotnik I'm sorry but can you provide some kind of sourcing for the claim that "If such action is ENTIRELY voluntary, it is not Eugenics?"

bought Ṁ20 of NO

Isnt a Yes position on this equivalent to a No position on the question "Is gene therapy good?"

predicted NO
predicted NO

Next up:

predicted NO

I love eugenics. The government should push for way more of it!

@levifinkelstein Who are the poll population?

predicted NO

@JiSK the people who answer the poll

@levifinkelstein Who are you asking it to?

predicted NO

@JiSK Anyone can answer it

@levifinkelstein Still not answering my question. Who are you asking? By what means are you finding people to ask? Are you posting it on Twitter? On a Substack? On LessWrong? Just on Manifold?