AI rap competition
Ṁ100 / 600
bounty left

Today I discovered making funny raps with AI is super easy, you just use LLMs + voice generation + just throw in some beats/random video stuff, and then you've got a rap video.

Examples of 3 rap videos I made today with no training or fine-tuining, essentially just gluing different things together:

All I did was just asking chatgpt for lyrics, then generate vocals with elevenlabs, then glue it all together into a video with a beat.

I will award 500 bounty to the one posted that I like the most.

The rap lyrics and vocals have to be AI generated, the rest is up to you, for example graphics is optional and you can choose any rap beat you want regardless of whether it's AI generated or not. Submissions must be in the form of a youtube or vimeo video posed in the comments.

I encourage sumbissions to be funny or silly in some way.

I will award the bounty when it seems like submissions have converged.

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Made this a while ago, similar process but fine-tuned it on the lyrics of an existing artist. Others may find the code useful.

I used a similar method to refine the lyrics of an established musician when I made this a while back. The code might be helpful to others. space bar clicker