Will there be a tool available on the internet that is free or costs no more than $20 by the end of 2024 that can generate high-quality songs from a written description that I enjoy listening to?
Genres could include Pop, Lofi, Jazz, Rap, or other mainstream genre.
I listened to some AI-generated songs and did find some that I enjoyed. The bar for this questions was if the tools can generate songs I enjoy at all, not necessarily consistently. I thus decided to resolve this as yes.
I liked "Beep Bop Boogie" and "Binary blues" in this playlist https://suno.com/playlist/22db0118-e07d-49b3-a5d9-7b7f83d5aa44
@greenglass don't think it quite fits your description, but it's pretty interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB8XR77O0RQ
@greenglass Suno is probably your best bet. Here’s their “Suno Showcase” playlist:
I think you can generate some for free or a month of credits is $10
This one is free and can write music based on any written description: https://www.orchestrai.site
Buuut the compositions are played as MIDI sounds