[Let's play] Civilization VI (Turn 9)
resolved Feb 14
Move the scout to the tribal village
Move Scout East
Attack the barbarian encampment

Let's play Civ6!

Anyone can add instructions. Instructions can be composite, but are executed atomically (either fully or not at all). Upon market close I will try to interpret and act out the instructions in the game starting from the highest ranking instructions and progressing downward. If an instruction doesn't make sense to me, if it is not (currently) possible to execute or if it is incompatible with a higher ranking instruction (fully or partially) it will be skipped. Once all instructions have been iterated over, I will go back over the list of skipped instructions to check if they are now possible to execute, if so they will be removed from the skipped list. This will be repeated until not further actions are possible.

Executed instructions will resolve YES, skipped instructions will resolve NO. I reserve the right to (mis)interpret the instructions, but will try to be as conscientious as I can.

Once all instructions have been executed the turn will end. If there is still some action needed in order to end the turn, I will make a random choice of said action in order to progress.

Market will close at an arbitrary time between 18:00 UTC and 24:00 UTC.

If you want screenshots of other views, please feel free to ask for them and I will provide them as soon as possible.

Last turn

  • [YES] Move scout North-East

World view:

(higher resolution)

Link to market for last turn.

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Next turn:

Confirm my understanding of the market rules? Every instruction will resolve YES unless it is never possible to follow that instruction when its turn comes up in the execution order described in the rules. The execution order guarantees to give each instruction at least one chance to be followed.

@Sparr I'm not following your rephrasing. Can you give a concrete example?

I'm used to seeing Lets Play polls in various formats where the player is going to take the single best move according to the poll. It sounds like the rules here allow for possibly every instruction to resolve YES if they are all compatible with each other. Is that accurate?

@Sparr is it is possible that multiple actions can resolve yes, however I'm not following the "resolves YES unless it is never possible". That does not seem accurate.

An instruction will resolve yes if it is a valid move, and said valid move doesn't intefere the result of some higher ranking instruction from the same turn.

For example, if we have two instructions "Rename Manifold to New York" at 60% and "Rename Manifold to London" at 40%, the first would resolve YES and the second NO, since the second instruction undoes the first.

However if the second instruction would have been "Move warrior west", both would have resolved yes.

I suggest looking through some of the older turns and seeing if it makes more sense.

But "higher ranking" isn't strict, since you're going to loop through the skipped instructions.

Numbering instructions in order of rank, if 1 makes 2 impossible, but 3 makes 2 possible again, then all 3 will execute in order 1 3 2, right?

@Sparr Yes, that is correct.

@Sparr Hower that is not the same thing as "resolve YES unless it is never possible to follow that instruction".

@DavidFWatson I tried to make this market unranked, but there was no choice to make it unranked during creation and I'm not able to toggle the switch after creation either.

How exactly are you supposed to make a market unranked?

@komplexkonjugat When I reread the guidelines it appears as if all markets are created ranked only admins and moderators can change the states of markets from ranked to unranked:

"Markets have 3 states which can all independently be toggled by admin and moderators users. Ranked, Subsidised and Unlisted."

"All markets are ranked by default. This means it counts towards leagues."

"A market may be changed to unranked by admin and moderators if it meets any of the following."

@komplexkonjugat Huh! That’s really strange!

@komplexkonjugat I appreciate you spelling out all of your research and issues on this - I'd also been struggling with the rules being difficult to locate and lacking instructions

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