[Let's play] Civilization VI (Turn 16)
resolved Feb 21
Accept offer to sample Brazils hospitality
Answer it's an honor to meet Brazil
Send a delegation to Brazil
Scout: continue South along the coast
Warrior: Attack the barbarian scout
Set Settler movement to floodplains tile SW to the copper
Scout B: Auto-explore
Answer we're too busy to chat with Brazil
Reject offer to sample Brazils hospitality

Let's play Civ6!

Anyone can add instructions. Instructions can be composite, but are executed atomically (either fully or not at all). Upon market close I will try to interpret and act out the instructions in the game starting from the highest ranking instructions and progressing downward. If an instruction doesn't make sense to me, if it is not (currently) possible to execute or if it is incompatible with a higher ranking instruction (fully or partially) it will be skipped. Once all instructions have been iterated over, I will go back over the list of skipped instructions to check if they are now possible to execute, if so they will be removed from the skipped list. This will be repeated until not further actions are possible. Instructions to retire or otherwise explicitly end the game early will not be executed.

Executed instructions will resolve YES, skipped instructions will resolve NO. I reserve the right to (mis)interpret the instructions, but will try to be as conscientious as I can.

Once all instructions have been executed the turn will end. If units still have movement points after all instructions are executed the turn will be skipped for them. If there is still some action needed in order to end the turn, I will make a random choice of said action in order to progress.

Market will close at an arbitrary time between 18:00 UTC and 24:00 UTC.

If you want screenshots of other views, please feel free to ask for them and I will provide them as soon as possible.

Last turn:

  • [YES] Scout: continue south

  • [YES] City: queue a builder

  • [YES] Warrior: move southeast

  • [NO] Warrior: move east

Diplomacy view:

(higher resolution)

Follow up offer:

World view:

(higher resolution)

Link to market for previous turn.

Link to side markets.

Sort by:

Next turn:

How are we going to identify units going forwards? With multiple of the same unit it could get messy.

@traders I was just made aware of the fact that I had forgotten to progress to turn 16 before taking the screenshot. I've done so now. Three movements:

- Our settler moved one tile SW
- Bologna warrior moved one tile SW
- Barbarian scout moved one tile NW

Manifold is bugging out. Can someone add
"Set Settler movement to floodplains tile SW to the copper"?
Seems like the right second city spot to me. 2/2 in inner ring.
I guess the alternative would be to plan ahead to a lady of the reeds and marshes Pantheon and settle the wheat on the river bend.

bought Ṁ10 Warrior: Attack the ... YES

@Shump Done.

bought Ṁ10 Answer it's an honor... YES

Why did the settler not continue with the queued up movement last turn? Do we need to move the units every turn with a command? Can't we just set a course?

@Shump Because I had forgot to click the next turn button before taking the screenshot. That is fixed now and the screenshots are updated. Good catch.

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