Will Elon Musk's ChatGPT competitor, TruthGPT (or whatever it ends up being called) be out by the end of Q1 2024?
resolved Dec 8

Has to be open to general public and easily accessible. Not something you have to get whitelisted for, be in a small experiment or meticulously look for in some settings dialog. "Random 1% of users get an invite" doesn't count. "All US users get access but it's not in other locales" does count.

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⚠User @johnleoks Has Known To Be Inactive

📢Resolves YES

🧙‍♂️MOD Resolved

@Radicalia it's out. And it doesn't matter if it's early access!

Grok is an AI modeled after the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Does this mean that the supposedly truth-seeking AI is going to tell me that I can fly by throwing myself at the ground and missing?

predicted YES

@Kumar “Has to be open to general public and easily accessible. Not something you have to get whitelisted for, be in a small experiment or meticulously look for in some settings dialog. "Random 1% of users get an invite" doesn't count. "All US users get access but it's not in other locales" does count.”


How does this resolve if it's out but it completely sucks and could not reasonably be called a competitor

@vluzko Doesn't matter. That's not one of the criteria.