Will Destiny talk to Ben Shapiro in 2023?
resolved Jan 1

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predicted NO


@FoxKHTML This market is going to zero by the way. And if you want a pro tip, buy YES for Nick Fuentes in 2023. An Israel debate is 10000% happening.

predicted NO

@FoxKHTML Is that you in your profile picture or LA Beast?

predicted NO


predicted NO

this was just too easy, thank you YES voters for the easy $$


EDIT: I just got news that this debate might need to likely be delayed to January due to scheduling issues. It's frustrating, but I'm doing my best to make sure it happens 👊 I deleted the tweet announcing it for this reason 😔

predicted NO

@Agh I can't believe the doubters were right

predicted YES

@Agh Have they not talked to each other about the debate?

It’s jover, ben shapiro canceled because it clashes with his eyebrow appointment

bought Ṁ200 NO from 31% to 30%
predicted YES

Just want to point out that the top investor in NO has a lifetime profit of -1k, the top investor in YES 11k, for what it’s worth

bought Ṁ69 NO from 92% to 90%
predicted YES

@konstiewerth i mean that's Dun. Dun has all this money and just drops them in things.

predicted NO
predicted YES

@JosephMartinjr3rdcoyote these Shapiro markets are my 401k. If the debate happens I can retire, if he cancels I'll have to pass away for financial reasons

predicted YES

@dgga if you pass away can i have your stuff? well, the stuff that is left. lol

predicted YES

@JosephMartinjr3rdcoyote Unfortunately, for religious reasons, my will already leaves all of my estate to @ButtocksCocktoasten

Knew it. Nick Fuentes just said that the debate is off, for what it’s worth

bought Ṁ100 NO from 93% to 90%
bought Ṁ5 YES at 90%
predicted YES

Awwww yissss cheaper YES from Groypers here we go

@FoxKHTML Meant to buy no. Oops. How do I sell the yes stake? I only have the option to sell no

@FoxKHTML If you are holding NO, buying YES effectively just sells an equivalent amount of your NO shares at the current price.

predicted NO

@dgga Not a groyper. I just like to watch Fuentes for an alternative perspective. I think he’s vile (but interesting).

predicted YES

@FoxKHTML Yeah I wasn't specifically pointing at you but it's an old phenomenon in here that groypers artificially and erroneously inflate markets according to their dear leader's whims

Won’t happen. Ben is 100% focused on anti-Israel people right now.

predicted YES

@FoxKHTML lmao it's definitely happening.

@OrbiterVoltron More likely that Ben Shapiro will talk to Netanyahu in Israel. 10/7 was 9/11 again for him. He’s not even thinking about Destiny.

predicted YES
predicted NO

@OrbiterVoltron I am aware. I’m saying that it isn’t going to happen. As soon as the attacks happened, Ben probably cleared his calendar. He’s not going to spend time prepping to debate Destiny on trans issues or whatever.

predicted YES

@FoxKHTML Destiny was talking about the debate just yesterday. If it was cancelled, destiny would definitely know about.

@FoxKHTML Your mana your loss bro, they could definitely cover israel but aight