Will Destiny sue Lav?
resolved Jan 1

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⚠Inactive Creator

📢Resolved to NO

No Definitive Proof


There's no evidence that he sued her. He threatened legal action publicly to get Lav to shut up about him. When he was peak tilt about it he seemed set on suing just like how he was going to release a website/manifesto on mrgirl. Whatever happened to that? He didn't do it when his goal was already achieved and the only reason to move forward would be vengeance.

I don't think the dictionary definition of "pending lawsuit" is very compelling evidence. "Pending" means something waiting to happen. What we know is he had collected evidence and sent it to his lawyer to look at, it's reasonable to describe that as a "pending lawsuit" especially if using strong language can only benefit you.

I think it's a bit unfair to try and exploit the fact that we don't have perfect information. Basically in this kind of market the burden of proof is on the positive claim in my opinion and that should be priced in when betting.

Obviously I have a decent NO position so I might be biased.

@UFTG I actually sold out of this market a long time ago, which means I'm perfectly unbiased. Some would say a bastion of rationality. And I think what you say is correct and well articulated.


@UFTG Not trying to exploit imperfect information, but obviously when a maker isn’t there to resolve its better to have more than “he said he was going to do it, then never mentioned it again so resolves NO”

If the answer is no, why wouldn’t Destiny tell us? I was, and still am, suggesting that someone ask him and post the answer

@Gen lol I agree someone should ask, but whoever asks should understand that even if they donate money the most likely answer is "who knows buddy" lol. But also he might just say no! Or yes! Gnomes are mysterious like that


@Tumbles Yeah, if he doesn’t want to talk about it I don’t think this should resolve NO, because he’s never randomly thrown around “I have pending lawsuit against …” before

It’s not a casual thing to say, and we know he 100% engaged lawyers because he talked about it in depth (specifically a defamation lawyer, too)

It would have been a total waste of time and money, so I still think it’s unlikely that he actually used a legal measure or forced a legal commitment. Most likely he/his lawyer said “if you mention x again we’re prepared to take legal action” and she said she’d never mention it again.

(Obligatory I am just playing the game and when a decision needs to be made, I’ll accept whatever it is, no admin/mod pressure)


@Gen I didn't mean to accuse anyone of anything improper maybe "exploit" was a bit harsh. Everyone should argue their position and I'm also completely fine losing mana when I'm wrong.

I don't put that much weight on what words he used because, like I said, he's incentivized to be as threatening as possible.

I remember thinking back then that it was very possible that he'd sent a cease and desist because there was a very noticeable change in Lavs language (at least for a while). But I still didn't bet on it because it's the kind of thing we might never know about and it could also just be her getting intimidated.

Maybe we could get some more information if people pester him and Lav about it :)

When will this resolve NO?


This is surely happening COPIUM

there is never a lawsuit

In this clip Destiny says ..."remember when you were like, "we should react to Lav's appearance", and I said, "well, actually I have a pending lawsuit against her and i don't like her"...

Feat. Farha | Australian Amy coming over at 5-6 PM? | Maybe Lauren Northern @ 9 PM? (rumble.com)
the rumble vod is still up. ill see if i can clip it out, but the time stamp above should work.

(edit 1: I had clipped it off of youtube, but the vod was privated, so the clip was removed)


@Manifold The rumble clip in question is prove of a law suit. Can you resolve YES?

@iteal lol that "clip" is EIGHT HOURS long. I think you should find a shorter clip before you try to get a mod to resolve it.

Destiny did not sue Lav. He at most sent her a cease and desist or something. I mean, if he did sue her, what was the judgement? Did someone have to pay damages? Was the case thrown out? Are there any streams where he discusses the ongoing legal battle? The fact is none of this happened because Destiny did not in fact sue Lav.


@Tumbles You don't have to go to court to "sue" someone, but all the clip says is "I have a pending lawsuit against her" (1:53:42 on the rumble link) - Idk if that means he actually progressed and actioned a lawsuit

Sending a cease and desist isn't suing someone either tho, it's a letter that says "stop doing X or I will sue you", without any legally binding consequences

If he got her to sign a legal document though, then he sued her

The best way to resolve this would be to ask him, I'd guess it resolves NO though..

@Gen Very good points...

Looks like this is from seven months ago when Johnleoks was still actively discussing it in the comments, if he didn't resolve it then I would imagine he still won't since nothing new has come out. Definitely dicier than I thought though....


@Tumbles Yeah given he mentioned a "pending lawsuit against her" I wouldn't want to resolve it

I bet Destiny would answer if I dono'd him $5 lol


@Tumbles That CLIP is 8 hours long because it's a VOD and you were given a specific timestamp too look for the evidence. I don't know how precise you want it to be, should I specify microseconds?

Definition of 'sue': "to take legal action against a person or organization, especially by making a legal claim for money because of some harm that they have caused you" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/sue

Definition of 'pending lawsuit': "Action that has not been taken as yet while the case lies in court, to be heard at a future date." https://thelawdictionary.org/pending-action/

So for there to be a lawsuit pending, there has had to be legal action that was taken before. Therefore this question should resolve YES. What other YES criteria can there be? I doubt Destiny nor Lav will publish the official documents.


Tiny said he has a "pending lawsuit" against Lav in today's stream with Farha, about 40m after she comes on. Someone can timestamp the vod when the stream is over.


Looking good for Yessers.


Destiny collecting clips of Lav to send to his lawyer. Timestamped.


Destiny asking the Dgg subreddit to collect clips for him.


yo dest lemme get that lawsuit THE OCKY WAY

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