Will 'A Minecraft Movie' outperform 'Sonic 3' at the worldwide box office?
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Unthinkable to me that the Minecraft movie doesn't outperform the Sonic movie for two main reasons:

The market capture for Minecraft vs. Sonic is unbelievably larger (even though the average moviegoer is probably more in favor of Sonic demographic)

And second, Minecraft is a first, while Sonic is a 3rd

bought Ṁ100 YES

The trailer for minecraft is at 10m views, the one for sonic is at 8m. Surprisingly close

@Bayesian Yeah I agree, and the initial response to the Minecraft trailer was not... universally positive. Meanwhile Sonic has already had 2 pretty good movies in the series. I think those are arguments in favor of me being wrong. Either way, I still think Minecraft will outperform (assuming 'outperform' means have higher box office revenue)