Will my wife get Covid from me, if we do NOT isolate from each other?
resolved Jul 6
Resolves YES if my wife gets Covid in the next couple weeks (as determined by test results) conditional on us NOT isolating from each other. (It's slightly possible she'd get it from some other source, but most of the probability mass is from me.) Resolves N/A if we do isolate from each other. I just got Covid on 6/30. I was traveling until 6/30 so we were not together when I was exposed/infected, but were together when I become symptomatic/infectious. See companion question with the other conditional: https://manifold.markets/jack/will-my-wife-get-covid-from-me-if-w
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predicted YES
Resolves N/A because we did isolate somewhat. Overall market prediction was at about 70%-80%. Base rates I found were about 70% household transmission rate without isolation or masking, as discussed at https://manifold.markets/jack/will-my-wife-get-covid-from-me-if-w#jfONtVRLKIyR04rqS4zU
predicted YES
https://manifold.markets/jack/will-my-wife-get-covid-from-me-if-w-0f1ff257ac64 is the market that will track the actual outcome.
sold Ṁ15 of YES
Selling my stake to minimize any potential sources of bias.
Nevermind, I decided to just bet as normal on these markets because prediction accuracy is more important.
bought Ṁ10 of YES
I'll put most of the discussion on the other market so it's more in one place: https://manifold.markets/jack/will-my-wife-get-covid-from-me-if-w